PRESS RELEASE: Forging partnerships to promote human development

22 Apr 2009

PRESS RELEASE: Forging partnerships to promote human development

Dili, 22 April 2009-- Building on its collaboration with the Universidade Nacional Timor-Loro Sa'e (UNTL), the leading public university in the country, UNDP has launched a facility that will provide a common platform on research, knowledge sharing and discourse about human development issues in the country.

The Human Development Centre (HDC) launched at the UNTL on 21 April 2009, is the first of its kind in the country, serving as a think-tank and link between academic institutions and policy makers focusing on the sphere of human development in Timor-Leste.

Established under the umbrella of the third National Human Development Report Project of UNDP, the Centre will organize training sessions on human development concepts and measurements, enabling young Timorese, especially university students and faculty to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of human development.

"Partnership with UNDP and other UN agencies is always a privilege to us," the Rector of the UNTL, Dr. Benjamin Corte-Real said, adding that the Centre will assist in "developing our own capacities to provide decision makers the tools to make informed decisions to help the people achieve higher levels of human development." He described the launch as timely because the university is now expanding its academic programmes to include postgraduate courses. "The Centre will have a ripple effect in the classrooms," he stressed.

DSRSG/UNDP Resident Representative Finn Reske-Nielsen thanked the Government of Timor-Leste for showing tremendous leadership in furthering the cause of human development by not only supporting publication of Human Development and MDG reports but also promoting human development-based planning and added that he was confident that the Centre will strengthen the human development discourse in the country.

Human Development Reports are a tool for policy analysis reflecting people's priorities, strengthening national capacities, engaging national partners, identifying inequities and measuring progress. The NHDR is part of the UNDP programme to provide policy support in achieving human development in Timor-Leste.

The first and the second Timor-Leste Human Development Reports were produced in 2002 and 2006 and it is envisaged that in the future, the NHDRs and Sub-national HDRs will be prepared by the Human Development Centre working closely with UNDP.

Relations between UNDP and UNTL were cemented in October 2007 following the signing of an historic internship agreement that facilitated UNTL students to serve with UNDP, gaining practical experience through direct exposure to UNDP work in promoting international sustainable development.

The event was witnessed by Minister of Economy and Development, João Gonçalves and the Minister of Education, Joao Cancio Freitas. Also present was the UNDP Country Director, Akbar Usmani.

For more details, please contact: Augusto Soares Barreto, Project Manager. Phone: +670 727 43 27. Email:



Dili, 22 Abril 2009-- Ho kolaborasaun husi Universidade National Timor Lorosae (UNTL) nebe nudar universidade publiku iha pais ne'e , hamutuk ho PNUD halao tiha ona lansamentu ba fasilidade nebe sei fornese ba plataforma komum ba peskiza , truka kunhesementu no mos diskusaun kona ba ajenda dezenvolvimentu iha pais ne'e.

Lansamentu ba Centru Dezenvolvimentu Umanu (CDU) halao iha UNTL loron 21 Abril 2009 ne'e , nudar primeira seremonia nebe halao iha nasaun ne'e, hodi hare hanoin hirak nebe iha ligasaun ba instituisaun akademika no desizaun politika nebe hare liu ba area dezenvolvimentu iha Timor Leste

Centru ne'e hari'i liu husi mahon Projetu ba Relatoriu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu husi PNUD, centru ne'e sei organiza sesaun treinamentu kona ba konseiptu dezenvolvimentu Umanu no nia dimensaun seluk atu bele halo foin sae timor oan sira liu liu estudante universidade ho nia fakuldade nebe iha hodi dezenvolve sira nia kunhesementu no mos abilidade iha area dezenvolvimentu umanu.

Parseria ho PNUD no mos ajensia seluk sempre sai privilejiu ba ami," dehan Reitor UNTL, Benjamin Corte-Real, nia mos realsa liu tan katak " centru ne'e sei fo tulun ba dezenvolvimentu ba ami nia kapasidade rasik hodi fornese halo desizaun ba buat hirak ne'e hodi informa desizaun ne'e atu ajuda povu bele alkansa ba nivel nebe mak as kona ba dezenvolvimentu umanu,". Nia mos hateten katak lansamentu ne'e monu iha tempu nebe los tebes tamba universidade agora aumenta ninia programa akademika inklui mos kursu maestreadu. E centru ne'e sei resulta buat nebe diak iha fatin ne'e"

Representante Permanente PNUD, Finn Reske Nielsen hato'o agradesementu ba Governu Timor Leste hodi hatudu lideransa nebe forte ba kuntinuasaun husi causa dezenvovimentu umanu liu husi laos deit fo tulun ba publikasaun relatoriu dezenvovumenti umanu no ODM maibe mos promove planeamentu bazea ba dezenvolvimentu umanu no hateten katak "Nia iha konfiansa bot katak centru ne'e sei hametin diskusaun kona ba dezenvolvimentu umanu iha pais ne'e.

Relatori Dezenvolvimentu Umanu nudar ekipamentu ba analiza politika ho nia reflesaun ba povu nia prioridade, hametin kapasidade national, aumenta parseria nasional, identifika diskriminasaun ho nia medida progresu. RDUN nudar parte husi PNUD nia programa hodi fornese apoio politika hodi alkansa dezenvolvimentu Umanu iha Timor Leste

Relatori Dezenvolvimentu Umanu dalauluk no dalarua nebe fo sai iha tinan 2002 no 2006 ho nia imajinasaun ba futuru, RDUN no Sub Nasional RDU nebe sei prepara husi Centru Dezenvolvimentu Umanu nebe servisu hamutuk no PNUD

Relasaun entre PNUD no UNTL ne'e hahu'u iha Outubro 2007 liu husi akordu kona ba programa estajiu nebe fasilita estudante UNTL halao sira nia estajiu iha PNUD, hodi troka esperenasia liu husi servsiu dereitamente ho PNUD hodi promove dezenvolvmentu sustentavel internasionall.

Eventu ne'e hetan prezensa husi Ministru Economia no Dezenvolvimentu, Joao Goncalves , Ministru Edukasaun Joao Cancio Freitas no mos Country Director PNUD Akbar Usmani.

Atu hetan informasaun klaru kontaktu Augusto Soares Barreto Project Manager, Human Development Centre, Phone: +670 727 43 27. Email: