PRESS RELEASE:SRSG Khare: “Significant challenges ahead of UNESCO’s National Commission of TL

23 Apr 2009

PRESS RELEASE:SRSG Khare: “Significant challenges ahead of UNESCO’s National Commission of TL

Dili - 23 April 2009 -"It is important that we focus on education because it continues to be a challenge in Timor-Leste," said the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General Atul Khare at the opening ceremony of the UNESCO's National Commission in Timor-Leste.

"The adult literacy rate for 18 years old and older is about 50%, which is very low and this situation will not be improved by the fact that a lot of primary school children drop out. This is just one example of the significant challenges that the National Commission will be expected to work on as it supports the Ministry of Education in different aspects of the educational system," highlighted the SRSG when he talked about the challenges lying ahead of the newly established UNESCO National Commission.

SRSG Khare encouraged the Commission to provide support to the Government in the field of national priorities. "I believe that this National Commission will be able to further the work of UNESCO in Timor-Leste as a development partner supporting the programmes and priorities of the government and working together with different stakeholders to achieve the goals and purposes of the Commission," added SRSG Khare. Recalling the recent launch of UNESCO supported World Digital Library, the SRSG pointed out that there are already materials on Timor-Leste on this valuable resource and encouraged the National Commission to not only profit from the Library, but also contribute to it.

Timor-Leste announced its membership of UNESCO in 2003. In December last year the 20 members of the National Commission were named at the 2nd National Education Congress, representing civil society groups, religious denominations, Government and the National Parliament. The opening ceremony took place at the beginning of a 3-day science and cultural festival in Dili, the capital city of Timor-Leste.


RESJ Khare: "Komisaun Nasionál UNESCO nian iha Timor-Leste sei hasoru dezafiu signifikativu oioin"

Dili – 23 Abríl 2009 – "Importante katak ita foka liu ba edukasaun tanba ne'e kontinua nafatin nu'udar dezafiu ida iha Timor-Leste", Reprezentante Espesiál husi Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian Atul Khare heteten iha serimónia abertura ba Komisaun Nasionál UNESCO nian iha Timor-Leste.

"Taxa alfabetizasaun adultu nian ba ema tinan 18 ba leten ne'e maizumenus 50%, ne'ebé ladi'ak, no situasaun ida-ne'e sei la sai di'ak ho faktu katak labarik barak la ramata eskola primária. Ida-ne'e ezemplu ida de'it husi dezafiu signifikativu sira ne'ebé Komisaun Nasionál sei presiza hasoru no tau matan bá enkuantu apoia Ministériu Edukasaun nian iha aspetu oioin sistema edukativu nian", RESJ subliña bainhira nia ko'alia kona-ba dezafiu sira ne'ebé Komisaun Nasionál UNESCO nian, ne'ebé foin harii, sei hasoru.

RESJ Khare enkoraja Komisaun atu fornese apoiu ba Governu iha área prioridade nasionál sira-nian. "Ha'u fiar katak Komisaun Nasionál ne'e sei bele hakle'an UNESCO nia serbisu iha Timor-Leste nu'udar parseiru ba dezenvolvimentu hodi apoia programa no prioridade sira Governu nian no liuhosi serbisu lisuk ho parte interesada oioin atu bele hetan objetivu no finalidade sira Komisaun nian", RESJ Khare hatutan. Hanoin hikas lansamentu foin daudaun ne'e ba Biblioteka Dijitál Mundiál ho apoiu husi UNESCO, RESJ fó-hanoin katak iha ona materiál kona-ba Timor-Leste iha rekursu murak ida-ne'e nia laran no nia enkoraja Komisaun Nasionál atu la'ós de'it uza Biblioteka ne'e, maibé mós atu kontribui ba nia.

Timor-Leste anunsia katak sai membru UNESCO nian iha 2003. Iha Dezembru tinan kotuk membru na'in-20 Komisaun Nasionál nian hetan nomeasaun iha Kongresu Nasional Edukasaun nian ba Dala Rua, no sira reprezenta grupu oioin sosiedade sivíl nian, denominasaun relijioza sira, Governu no Parlamentu Nasionál. Serimónia abertura ne'e akontese bainhira hahú festivál kultura no siénsia nian ne'ebé sei dura loron tolu iha Dili, sidade kapitál Timor-Leste nian.