Press Release: UN disaster risk reduction chief commends efforts to tackle disasters

22 Nov 2011

Press Release: UN disaster risk reduction chief commends efforts to tackle disasters

Dili, 22 November 2011
- Timor-Leste continues to invest in measures to minimise the effects of disasters, the United Nations top disaster risk reduction official said during a three day visit to the country.

"Timor-Leste is working hard to respond more effectively to natural disasters," said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Margareta Wahlstr
Timor-Leste is prone to floods and landslides and prolonged dry spells, which can trigger insect infestations and diseases and cause food insecurity. Furthermore, experts consider the northern and southern coasts as high-risk areas for earthquake hazards and associated tsunamis. In the last decade alone, the country suffered from 470 disaster events.

"There is a system being built now in Timor-Leste to reduce disaster risks through coordinated emergency response, legislation, and planning for capacity strengthening," said Wahlstr

öm. "A cohesive strategy that focuses on prevention as well as response will help Timor-Leste to protect its development gains and achieve the set targets."

While in Timor-Leste, the UN chief met with senior representatives of the Government, the National Parliamentary Committee for Forestry, Natural Resources and Environment, the UN system, non-governmental organisations, academia, and the private sector to exchange ideas on ways to integrate disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into national development policies and plans. Margareta Wahlstr

öm also visited a community in Lautem district, where disaster risk management efforts are proving successful.

"I have seen resilience being built in the community we visited," said Wahlstr

öm. "There is an early warning system and the district administration is working to respond effectively and to maintain livelihoods during flood, drought and landslide. It is very important that more communities are supported in similar initiatives to be safer against disasters."

For further information, please contact:

Jose Belo

Programme Analyst
UNDP Timor-Leste
Phone: +670 736 1926

Brigitte Leoni
Regional Communication Officer
UNISDR Asia Pacific Office

Bangkok - Thailand
Phone: +66 2288 2747


Komunikadu Imprensa

ONU nia Xefe redusaun risku dezastre nian hahi'i esforsu sira hodi kombate dezastre

Dili, 22 Novembru 2011 - Timor-Leste kontinua atu investe iha sasukat hodi minimiza efeitu husi dezastre, Xefe Redusaun Risku Dezastre ONU nian hatete durante ninia vizita loron tolu iha nasaun ne'e.

Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál nian ba Redusaun Risku Dezastre nian, Margareta Wahlstr

öm, hatete katak "Timor-Leste serbisu maka'as hodi hatán efetivamente ba dezastre naturál."
Timor-Leste fasil atu hetan inundasaun no rai-halai, no mós tempu bailoro ne'ebé naruk, ne'ebé bele hamosu moras no insetu hirak-ne'ebé bele kria instabilidade ba ai-han. Tuirmai, kosta Norte no Súl mós konsidera hanesan área sira ho risku boot ba perigu rai-nakdoko no risku ne'ebé ligadu ho tsunami. Ida dékada ida-ne'e de'it, Timor-Leste hetan dezastre hamutuk 470.

"Iha mós sistema ida mak estabelese daudaun iha Timor-Leste hodi bele redús risku dezastre nian liuhosi koordenasaun resposta emerjénsia," Wahlstr

öm hatete. "Estratéjia koeziva ida-ne'ebé foka ba prevensaun no mós resposta bele ajuda Timor-Leste hodi proteje ninia progresu dezenvolvimentu no alkansa ninia alvu sira."

Enkuantu nia vizita Timor-Leste, Xefe ONU ne'e hasoru malu ho reprezentante husi Governu, Komisaun Parlamentu Nasionál nian ba asuntu Floresta, Rekursu Naturál no Ambiente nian, reprezentante sistema ONU nian, organizasaun naun-governmentál nian, akademia no setór privadu sira hodi troka ideia kona-ba maneira atu integra redusaun risku dezastre naturál nian ho adaptasaun mudansa klimátika ba polítika no planu sira dezenvolvimentu nasionál nian. Margareta Wahlstr

öm mós vizita komunidade ida iha Distritu Lautem, iha ne'ebé esforsu sira ba jestaun risku dezastre nian hatudu susesu.

"Ha'u haree katak iha komunidade ida-ne'ebé ami vizita sira prepara daudaun hodi kombate dezastre," Wahlstr

öm hatete. "Iha sistema alerta antesipada no administrasaun distritu halo hela servisu hodi hatán efetivamente no mantein povu nia bem-estar durante inundasaun, bailoro naruk no rai-halai. Importante tebes katak komunidade barak liután maka hetan apoiu iha inisiativa hirak-ne'ebé atu hanesan hodi bele seguru hasoru dezastre."

Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór kontakta:

Jose Belo

Programme Analyst
UNDP Timor-Leste
Telf. : +670 736 1926

Brigitte Leoni
Regional Communication Officer
UNISDR Asia Pacific Office

Bangkok Tailándia
Telf.: +66 2288 2747
