UNDP Press Release: Timor-Leste Continues Upward Trend According to 2011 Human Development Report

4 Nov 2011

UNDP Press Release: Timor-Leste Continues Upward Trend According to 2011 Human Development Report

Dili, 3 November 2011 -
The Global 2011 Human Development Report "Sustainability and Equity: A Better Future for All" was launched by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Copenhagen today.

The Report warns that development progress in the world's poorest countries could be halted or even reversed by mid-century unless bold steps are taken now to slow climate change, prevent further environmental damage, and reduce deep inequalities within and among nations.

The Human Development Report attempts to create a simple value that represents development in three basic categories of human development: a long and healthy life, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living.
It shows that Timor-Leste has again increased its overall Human Development Index (HDI) value up to 0.495. This is an improvement of 22% between 2001-2011 highlighting a period of sustained, positive growth and development for Timor-Leste.
Life expectancy has improved according to the report. It is up half a year from 2010, and today a Timorese citizen will live on average 6.3 years more than in 2000, rising from 56.2 years in 2000 to 62.5 in 2011.
The Human Development Index draws upon independent statistics that are compiled by international institutions such as the World Bank and UNESCO in the major areas of national life expectancy, schooling, and Gross National Income per capita, and then calculates an overall value that is then used to rank countries.
In the 2011 report, 18 new countries have been added and the method of calculation of indicators has changed as new data became available. According to this updated methodology, GNI per capita in Timor-Leste continues to steadily grow, rising to $3,005 in 2011 from $2,867 in 2010. Timor-Leste is placed 147th out of 187 countries, while it was ranked 120th out of 169 countries in the 2010 report. Had the 2011 criteria been used, the 2010 ranking would have been readjusted to 147, thus in effect the ranking remains unchanged this year.
The long-term trend for Timor-Leste has been positive since the restoration of independence.
For further information, please contact the UNDP Communications and Media Unit:
Contacts - John Fenech, ph: 732 7211, email: john.fenech@undp.org or
Sandra Magno, ph: 732 7211, sandra.magno@undp.org
UN House, Caicoli Street, Dili, Timor-Leste, www.tl.undp.org
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Haktuir ba Relatóriu Dezenvolvimentu Umanu 2011, Timor-Leste Kontinua ho Tendénsia Sa'e
Dili, Loron 3 Novembru 2011— Relatóriu Globál Dezenvolvimentu Umanu 2011 "Sustentabilidade no Ekuidade: "Futuru di'ak ba ema hotu" lansa tiha ona hosi Programa Nasoins Unidas ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD) iha Kopeñaga ohin.
Relatóriu ne'e aviza katak prosesu dezenvolvimentu iha mundu nia rai sira ne'ebé kiak liuhotu bele hapara ka até hakiduk ba kotuk to'o iha meadus-sékulu karik pasu sira ne'ebé forte la foti agora atu hamenus velosidade mudansa klimátika, prevene estragu meiu-ambiente liután, no redús dezigualdade boot iha no entre nasaun sira.
Relatóriu Dezelvolvimentu Umanu koko atu kria valór simples ida-ne'ebé reprezenta dezenvolvimentu iha kategoria báziku tolu ba dezenvolvimentu umanu: moris naruk no saudável, asesu ba koñesimentu no padraun moris nian ida-ne'ebé di'ak.
Buat ne'e hatudu katak Timor-Leste dala-ida tan aumenta ninia valór Índise Dezenvolvimentu Umanu (IDU) to'o 0.495. Ida ne'e hanesan hadi'ak ida ba 22% entre tinan 2001-2011 ne'ebé subliña períodu ba kresimentu no dezenvolvimentu pozitivu no sustentadu ba Timor-Leste.
Haktuir ba relatóriu ne'e, espetativa ba moris nian mós iha melloramentu tiha ona. Espetativa ba moris ne'e sae ba metade hosi tinan 2010, no ohin-loron sidadaun Timoroan sira sei moris iha tinan médiu 6.3 liu duké iha tinan 2000, aumenta hosi 56.2 iha tinan 2000 to'o 62.5 iha tinan 2011.
Índise Dezenvolvimentu Umanu bazeia ba estatístika independente ne'ebé halibur hosi instituisaun internasionál sira hanesan Banku Mundiál no UNESCO iha área prinsipál sira ba espetativa moris nasionál nian, eskola, Rendimentu Nasionál Brutu kada kapita, no depois kalkula valór tomak ne'ebé uza hodi klasifika nasaun sira.
Iha relatóriu tinan 2011, nasaun sanulu-resin-ualu foun mak aumenta tiha ona no métodu sira kalkulasaun nian muda tiha ona regularmente bainhira data foun disponivel. Haktuir ba metodolojia aktualizada ida-ne'e, RNB kada kapita iha Timor-Leste kontinua sa'e ho bebeik, aumenta to'o $3,005 iha tinan 2011 hosi $2,867 iha tinan 2010. Timor-Leste koloka ba da-147 hosi nasaun 187, embora klasifika ba da-120 hosi rai 169 iha relatóriu tinan 2010 nian.Karik kritéria tinan 2011 nian uza tiha ona, klasifikasaun tinan 2010 nian sei reajusta ba da-147, hodi nune'e iha efeitu, klasifikasaun ne'e kontinua la muda iha tinan ida-ne'e.
Tendénsia longu-prazu ba Timor-Leste sai pozitivu tiha ona hahú kedas iha restaurasaun ba independénsia.
Atu hetan esplikasaun detalladu no ka informasaun liután, favór kontakta Unidade Mídia no Komunikasaun PNUD nian:
Kontaktu sira – John Fenech, tel.: 732 7211, email: john.fenech@undp.org ka
Sandra Magno, tel.: 732 7211, email: sandra.magno@undp.org
UN House, Estrada Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste, www.tl.undp.org