PRESS RELEASE:The Ministry of Health and UNFPA launch radio soap opera

20 Mar 2009

PRESS RELEASE:The Ministry of Health and UNFPA launch radio soap opera

20 March, Dili-- The Ministry of Health, supported by UNFPA, launched a new radio drama series Domin Familia on Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) last Saturday, 14 March. This radio soap opera chronicles the story of the Amaral family, a typical Timorese family dealing with the issues of family planning, safe motherhood and other reproductive health issues.

Domin Familia features a forbidden love story between Lena Amaral, the youngest of her family and Julio, the son of a cock-fighter- Lena's big brother Octavio is against the young couple. Local theatre group Bibi Bulak has developed all scripts as well as performing the characters.

"This initiative is one of the activities where the Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of creating culturally-sensitive and rights-based materials addressed to the people of Timor-Leste," said the Minister of Health Dr. Nelson Martins.

The objective of the 24-episode radio soap opera is to address reproductive health issues in an entertaining way, ensuring that the audience has access to relevant information intended to increase awareness. This radio soap opera was a collaborative effort between the Ministry, UNFPA, HAI, Alola Foundation and Marie-Stopes International.

Domin Familia is broadcast every Saturday on RTL at 5 p.m. with a repeat show on Sunday at 10 a.m.

For further information, please contact Mariano Redondo. Tel: 7346517 Email:


Lansamentu ba Programa "Radiu Teatru" hosi Ministériu Saúde no UNFPA

20 Marcu, Dili--Ministériu Saúde ho apóiu hosi UNFPA halo lansamentu ba serial foun Domin Familia liu hosi programa "Rádiu Teatru" iha Sábadu 14 Marsu 2009 liu hosi Radio Timor-Leste (RTL). Programa ida ne'e haktuir istória kona-ba família Amaral, família típika Timor-oan nian nebé enfrenta situasaun kona-ba problema no preokupasaun hanesan planeamentu familiar, maternidade seguru, no komponente seluk saúde reprodutiva nian.

"Inisiativa ne'e atividade ida Ministériu Saúde nian nebé fó énfaze ba importánsia atu kria sensibilizasaun ba kutura no material sira nebé bazeia ba direitu hodi fó ba povo Timor-Leste" dehan Dr. Nelson Martins, Ministru Saúde nian.

Objetivu hosi epizódiu 24 " Rádiu Teatru" ne'e atu halo abordajen ba problema sira saúde reprodutiva nian liu hosi maneira ida nebé bele entretein no haksolok ouvinte sira hodi asegura katak audiénsia kah rona-nain sira hetan asesu no aumenta sira ninia konsiénsia kona-ba informasaun nebé iha relevánsia no aumezmu tempu apresia programa Radio Show. Programa "Radio Teatru" ne'e bele realiza tan kolaborasaun hosi organizasaun sira hanesan HAI, Fundasaun Alola no Marie-Stopes International.

Domin Familia Istória domin Lena Amaral nian, oan-feto ki'ik hosi ninia família ho Júlio, Futumanudór ida ninia oan mane, no Octávio, Lena ninia maun-bo'ot bandu relasaun ida ne'e.

Epizódiu foun Domin Família sei fó-sai iha tuku 5 loraik Sabdu-Sabdu no repete hikas fali iha Domingu tuku 10 dadeer.

For further information, please contact Mariano Redondo. Tel: 7346517 Email: