A road map for development in Timor-Leste signed today

8 Aug 2008

A road map for development in Timor-Leste signed today

Dili, 8 August 2008


Reducing poverty, consolidating democracy and providing basic social services are the priority areas that the United Nations Development System will support over the next five years in Timor-Leste.

Read in Tetun

In the area of poverty reduction, which is much needed to raise the standard of living for hundreds of thousands of Timorese citizens, the programmes will provide particular attention to vulnerable groups including youth, women, IDPs and disaster prone communities. In further consolidating democracy, to provide stability and a sustainable peace, the UNDAF prioritises programmes that will contribute towards building state institutions such as the courts, government ministries and local administration.

In providing basic social services, to provide schools, health-care and security, the UNDAF includes programmes to promote education, health, nutrition, water and sanitation, social welfare and social protection.

In signing the UNDAF in Dili today the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao said:

"This agreement will be instrumental in enabling my Government to work with the United Nations in achieving our future national priorities. We look forward to continuing our work with the United Nations and together we can assist in improving the everyday life of the people of this country".

The UN's Deputy Head of Mission and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Finn Reske-Nielsen, added:

"It shows that Timor-Leste is moving into a more stable phase that enables it to address the need for strong, efficient and effective institutions and improve the lives of its citizens throughout the country.
At the end of the five years, we would expect that the courts and government institutions are stronger and trusted. We would also expect to see more and better schools, health facilities, infrastructure and social protection.
Timor-Leste is moving towards a consolidated peace and stability. The UNDAF is the road map that will guide our direction over the next five years."

For more information, please call Allison Cooper on +670 7230453 or Hipolito Gama on +670 7262844


Dili-8 Agostu 2008 – Redúz pobreza, konsolída demokrásia no fornese servisu sosiál báziku sai nu'udar área prioridade sira ne'ebé Sistema Dezenvolvimentu Nasoins Unidas nian sei suporta iha tinan lima oinmai iha Timor Leste.

Estrutura Asisténsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasoins Unidas nian (UNDAF) ba tinan 2009 – 2013, ne'ebé asina hosi Governu no ONU iha Dili ohin, sei fornese aprosimasaun ne'ebé iha nesesidade orientadu no koordenadu ba suporte Ekipa País ONU nian atu hato'o ba Governu hodi aumenta pás no estabidade iha Timor Leste.

Programa sira, ne'ebé aproximadamente iha valór milaun 314 dolar Amerikanu, kombina hamutuk esperiénsia ne'ebé hetan hosi ONU iha nasaun sira seluk ne'ebé foin sai hosi konflitu, ho ezijénsia sira individuál Timor Leste nian, hanesan refleta hosi prióridade nasionál sira ohin loron nian.

Iha área redusaun pobreza, ne'ebé presiza liu atu aumenta padraun moris ema atus-rihun sidadaun Timorense nian, programa sira-ne'e sei fornese atensaun espesiál ba grupu kbiit-laek sira, inklui joven, feto, ema dezlokadu sira no komunidade sira ne'ebé fásil atu hetan dezastre.

Atu konsolida demokrasía liután, fornese establidade no pás ne'ebé sustentável, UNDAF prioritiza programa sira ne'ebé sei kontribui hodi hadi'a instituisaun sira estadu nian hanesan tribunál, ministériu sira governu nian, no administrasaun lokál.

Atu fornese serbisu sosiál báziku, fornese eskola sira, tratamentu saúde no seguransa, UNDAF inklui mós programa sira atu promove edukasaun, saúde, nutrisaun, bee no saneamentu, bem-estar sosiál no protesaun sosiál.

Bainhira asina dokumentu UNDAF nian iha Dili ohin, Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao hateten:

"Akordu ida-ne'e sei sai instrumentál hodi hadi'a hau-nia Governu atu serbisu ho Nasoins Unidas hodi bele hetan susesu ba ami-nia prioridade nasionál aban-bairua nian. Ami hein atu kontinua ami-nia serbisu ho Nasoins Unídas no hamutuk ita bele ajuda hodi hadi'a povu nasaun ida-ne'e nia moris loro-loron. "

Vise Xefe Misaun, Koordenadór Rezidente no Umanitáriu ONU nian, Finn Reske-Nielsen aumenta katak,

"Buat ne'e hatudu katak Timor-Leste muda dadauk ona ba faze ida mak estável liu, ne'ebé halo Timor-Leste bele tau matan ba nesesidade hodi harii instituisaun sira ne'ebé efetivu no efisiente, no hadi'a ninia sidadaun sira-nia moris iha nasaun laran tomak.

Iha finál tinan lima oinmai, ita espera katak tribunál no instituisaun sira governu nian sei sai forte no hetan fiar. Ita mós hein atu haree eskola, fasilidade saúde sira, infrastrutura no protesaun sosiál nian ne'ebé barak no diak liután ona.

Timor Leste avansa dadauk ona ba iha pás no estabilidade ida-ne'ebé konsolidadu. UNDAF mak sai nu'udar mapa estrada nian ne'ebé sei hatudu ita-nia diresaun ba tinan lima oinmai."

Atu hetan informasaun liután, favór telefone Allison Cooper iha +670 723 0453 ka Hipolito Gama iha +670 7262844.