Timor Leste at a Human Rights Crossroads - UNMIT launches second human rights report on Timor-Leste

21 Aug 2008

Timor Leste at a Human Rights Crossroads - UNMIT launches second human rights report on Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste, 21 August 2008
- In a public report released in Dili today, the United Nations noted that Timor-Leste has continued to consolidate progress in key human rights areas, including adherence to the rule of law, strengthening of the judicial system and addressing past human rights violations. Nevertheless, in a number of areas further progress is needed.

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The UNMIT report, covering the period September 2007 to June 2008, focuses on key human rights developments in relation to the security sector and access to justice, and provides a list of recommendations.

The report notes that the 11 February attacks against President José Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão constituted a significant security challenge. The national authorities responded to these challenges in a way which indicates increasing institutional stability and adherence to the rule of law. The cooperation between the military and police, as well as the successful efforts to apprehend those wanted in connection with the attacks without resorting to use of force, were positive developments.

Nevertheless, important challenges remain. The notable increase in the number of cases of ill-treatment by members of the security forces reported during the state of exception is of particular concern. UNMIT also received reports of death-threats and arrests that did not follow legal procedures. While national leaders made commitments to address such violations, accountability mechanisms remain weak.

Some progress has been made in strengthening the justice system. The increasing number of Timorese judicial personnel and their increased presence in the districts are of particular importance. However, effective access to justice remains constrained. The backlog of cases has grown to an estimated 4,700 criminal cases. Gender based violence remains a major concern with key legislation for dealing with such claims not yet adopted.

In terms of justice for past violations, the final report of the Indonesia–Timor-Leste Commission of Truth and Friendship was submitted to the Presidents of Indonesia and Timor-Leste on 15 July. The two Presidents issued a joint statement recognizing that gross violations of human rights had occurred, expressing remorse to all those who suffered. However, progress towards holding accountable those responsible for criminal acts during the 2006 crisis was slow.

Having emerged from a critical period "Timor-Leste is now at a human rights crossroads" said Louis Gentile, Chief of UNMIT's Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section. "The Timorese people and state institutions can continue to build on progress achieved – or can turn back towards a more violent past. The United Nations stands ready to assist them to move forward", he concluded.

The Human Rights Report on Timor-Leste can be accessed at the following link: http://unmit.unmissions.org/Default.aspx?tabid=827

For more information, please call Allison Cooper on +670 7230453 or Hipolito Gama on +670 7311839.


Timor Leste Tama iha Situasaun Krítiku Direitus Umanus nian –
UNMIT lansa segundu relatóriu direitus umanus nian kona-ba Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste 21 August- Iha relatóriu públiku ida ne'ebé lansa iha Dili ohin, Nasoins Unidas nota katak Timor-Leste kontinua tiha ona atu konsolida progresu iha área sira prinsipál direitus umanus nian, inklui aderénsia ba estadu direitu, haforsa sistema judisiál no tau matan ba violasaun direitus umanus pasadu nian. Maibé, iha área sira balu progresu liután presiza atu hala'o.

Relatóriu UNMIT nian, ne'ebé kobre periodu fulan-Setembru, tinan 2007 to'o fulan-Juñu, tinan 2008, foka ba iha dezenvolvimentu prinsipál direitus umanus nian ne'ebé iha relasaun ho setór seguransa no asesu ba justisa, no fornese lista ida ho rekomendasaun sira.

Relatóriu ne'e nota katak atake sira loron 11, fulan-Fevereiru nian kontra Prezidente, José Ramos-Horta no Primeiru Ministru, Xanana Gusmão konstitui dezafiu seguransa nian ida ne'ebé siginifikante. Autoridade nasionál sira reaze ba dezafiu sira ne'e ho maneira ida ne'ebé indika iha estabilidade institusionál ne'ebé aumenta no aderénsia ba estadu direitu. Kooperasaun entre militár no polísia, no mós esforsu sira ne'ebé iha susesu atu kaer ema hirak ne'ebé autoridade sira buka, relasionadu ho atake sira ne'e sein tenke uza forsa, sai nu'udar dezenvolvimentu sira ne'ebé pozitivu.

Maski nune'e, dezafiu importante sira kontinua mosu. Aumentu notável iha kazu lubuk ida kona-ba mal-tratamentu hosi membru forsa seguransa sira , ne'ebé relata durante estadu esepsaun nian, sai nu'udar preokupasaun espesiál. UNMIT mós simu relatóriu kona-ba ameasa oho no prende sira ne'ebé la tuir prosedimentu jurídiku. Maski líder nasionál sira iha tiha ona kometimentu atu rezolve violasaun sira hanesan ne'e, maibé mekanismu responsabilizaun nian kontinua sai fraku.

Progresu balu hala'o tiha ona atu haforsa sistema justisa nian. Aumentu númeru pesoál judisiál Timoroan nian no sira-nia prezensa aumentadu iha distritu sira sai nu'udar importansia ne'ebé espesiál. Maibé, asesu ne'ebé efetivu ba justisa kontinua iha konstranjiamentu. Akumulasaun ba kazu sira aumenta tiha ona ba maisumenus kazu kriminál 4.700. Violénsia ne'ebé bazeia ba jéneru kontinua sai nu'udar preokupasaun boot ho lejislasaun prinsipál atu lida ho reklamasaun sira hanesan ne'e seidauk adota.

Kona-ba justisa ba violasaun sira pasadu nian, relatóriu finál Komisaun Verdade no Amizade entre Indonézia no Timor-Leste nian entrega tiha ona ba Prezidente Indonézia no Timor-Leste nian iha loron 15, fulan-Jullu. Prezidente rua ne'e fó sai deklarasaun konjunta ida ne'ebé rekoñese katak violasaun boot direitus umanus nian akontese tiha ona, no hato'o remorsu ba ema hotu sira ne'ebé sofre. Maibé, progresu atu husu responsabilizasaun ba ema sira ne'ebé responsabiliza ba atu kriminál sira durante krize tinan 2006 nian, maka neneik.

Hafoin tiha sai hosi periodu krítiku ida, "Timor-Leste oras ne'e tama hela daudaun iha situasaun krítiku direitus umanus nian", Louis Gentile, Xefe Seksaun Direitus Umanus no Justisa Tranzitória UNMIT nian hatete. " Povu no instituisaun sira estadu Timor-Leste nian bele kontinua atu avansa ho progresu ne'ebé hetan tiha ona—ka bele hakat fila fali ba pasadu ida ne'ebé sai violentu liután. Nasoins Unidas prontu atu tulun sira hodi hakat ba oin", nia konklui.

Relatoriu Direitus Humanus nian bele hetan iha linktuir mai ne'e: http://unmit.unmissions.org/Default.aspx?tabid=827

Atu hetan informasaun liután, halo favór kontakta Allison Cooper iha +670 7230453 no mos Hipolito Gama iha +670 7311839.