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  1. UN Support for the Presidential election

    4 July 2012 1. What kind of support is the UN providing to the 2012 Presidential election?  

  2. UN Police Press Releases


  3. Secretary-General appoints Shigeru Mochida of Japan as his Deputy Special Representative

    11 July 2010

  4. The Government and UNFPA celebrate the World Population Day 2010

    7 July 2010 Dili, 07 July 2010 - WHAT: ...

  5. UNMIT PRESS RELEASE: UNMIT’s national staff graduate

    23 June 2011

  6. 2010 Second Quarterly Development Partners Meeting

    19 July 2010 Dili, 15 July 2010- Statement of the Special Representative of the ...

  7. TIMOR-LESTE: Activists say no to proposed new refugee centre

    28 July 2010

  8. Charting women’s history in Timor-Leste

    9 July 2009

  9. Solar way forward for Timor-Leste

    15 July 2008

  10. UNMIT Press Release: PNTL and UNPOL joint training for 2012 elections

    28 July 2011 Dili, 28 July 2011 - Officers of the Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the ...
