Dili, 28 July 2011 - Officers of the Policia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the United Nations Police (UNPOL) are coming together for a series of trainings to prepare for peaceful elections in 2012.
On Wednesday 29 PNTL and 22 UNPOL officers participated in a joint training to prepare for the elections in 2012. Longuinhos Monteiro, General Commander of PNTL, and Luis Carrilho, UNPOL Commissioner, opened the event.
General Commander Longuinhos said that, "PNTL and UNPOL officers are training together to ensure safety and security during the election period."
"The success of the elections is important to us all," said Commissioner Carrilho in his opening remarks. "By focusing on security during the election period we support the democratic process."
During the series of training, officers are learning how to manage elections operations, natural disasters, and civil disorder.
On 28 March this year the UN handed over policing responsibilities to the Timorese police throughout the country. Now UNPOL is primarily focusing on training, advising and mentoring PNTL officers. The UN is maintaining a police presence of up to 1,280 personnel to support the PNTL until after the elections of 2012, when UNMIT is planning to withdraw from Timor-Leste. For more information contact: Sandra McGuire, UNMIT Chief Public Information Officer and Spokesperson,
mcguire@un.org, +670 732 6476
Membru sira Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no Polísia Nasoins Unidas (UNPOL) sei hamutuk hala'o treinamentu oioin hodi prepara an ba eleisaun sira pasifika 2012 nian.
Dili, Loron-28 fulan-Jullu tinan-2011 – Iha Kuarta-Feira membru PNTL na'in-29 hamutuk ho membru UNPOL na'in-22 partisipa iha treinamentu konjuntu ida hodi prepara an ba eleisaun sira 2012. Longuinhos Monteiro, Komandante-Jerál PNTL, no Luis Carrilho, Komisáriu UNPOL, mak loke eventu ida-ne'e.
Komandante-Jerál Longuinhos hateten katak, "Membru sira PNTL no UNPOL hala'o hela treinamentu hamutuk hodi asegura seguransa durante períodu eleisaun sira."
"Susesu eleisaun sira-ne'e importante ba ita hotu," hatete Komisáriu Carrilho iha ninia diskursu abertura nian. "Ho fó foku ba seguransa durante períodu eleisaun sira, ita fó apoiu ba prosesu demokrátiku."
Durante treinamentu oioin ne'e, membru sira sei aprende oinsá atu jere operasaun sira eleisaun nian, dezastre naturál sira no dezorden sivíl.
Iha loron-28 fulan-Marsu tinan ida-ne'e ONU entrega tiha ona responsabilidade sira polisiamentu nian ba polísia Timor-Leste iha nasaun tomak. Oras ne'e UNPOL foka liuliu ba treinamentu, asesoria no orientasaun ba membru sira PNTL nian. ONU mantein hela prezensa ninia polisia ho totál hamutuk pesoál na'in-1.280 hodi fó apoiu ba PNTL to'o depoizde eleisaun sira 2012, momentu ne'ebé UNMIT planeia hela atu sai husi Timor-Leste.
Atu hetan informasaun klaru favór kontakta:
Hipolito da Cruz, UNMIT Portzvós Nacional, dacruzh@un.org, +670 731 1782