Secretary-General's message - 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste

28 May 2012

Secretary-General's message - 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste

Secretary-General's message on the 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor-Leste (delivered by Mr. Vijay Nambia, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Myanmar)

Dili, Timor-Leste, 20 May 2012 - Secretary-General's message on the Tenth Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Timor Leste [delivered by Mr. Vijay Nambiar, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on Myanmar].

It is a tremendous pleasure to congratulate the people of Timor-Leste on the tenth anniversary of the restoration of independence. I offer my warmest wishes on this important occasion.

Timor-Leste has made impressive advances over the past decade. National institutions, virtually non-existent ten years ago, now play crucial roles in safeguarding stability and democracy. Parliament serves as a dynamic forum for political debate, thanks to the constructive participation of both governing and opposition parties. Successive Governments have taken concrete steps to improve the daily lives of citizens and lay the groundwork for development. The judiciary has made important gains in upholding the rule of law. As the recent presidential election showed, both the national police and the armed forces are now increasingly able to perform their respective tasks. And where once the country was a recipient of peacekeeping assistance, today it contributes personnel to our efforts to maintain peace and security around the world – a welcome "graduation" indeed.

The people of Timor-Leste should be proud of these many achievements. They have shown unswerving resolve in overcoming great challenges. The nation's leaders have shown wisdom and responsibility in guiding the country through testing times.

I congratulate the new President of Timor-Leste, His Excellency Taur Matan Ruak, on his inauguration today. I wish him every success as the country continues to consolidate stability, foster democratic governance and promote development. I also offer deep appreciation to the outgoing President, His Excellency José Ramos-Horta, who guided Timor-Leste through many difficult moments, promoting peace, reconciliation and national unity.

The peaceful conduct of the presidential election is testament to the country's progress. I call on all Timorese leaders and political parties to demonstrate the same commitment to peaceful parliamentary elections in July.

Today's anniversary also marks another landmark in the productive partnership between Timor-Leste and the United Nations. For more than a decade now, the United Nations has worked side-by-side with the people of Timor-Leste, supporting the country's efforts to build a strong and resilient State and promote sustainable peace and prosperity.
The successful presidential election is yet another encouraging sign that Timor-Leste is ready for a transition in its relationship with the United Nations. While the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste continues to prepare for its anticipated departure at the end of this year, let me assure you that the United Nations will remain steadfast in its support for many years to come. Peacekeepers may leave, but the United Nations remains your close partner in building a better future for all the country's people.

Congratulations again on this milestone. Viva Timor-Leste!


Dili, Timor-Leste, 20 Maiu 2012 – Mensajen Sekretáriu-Jerál nian iha Désimu Aniversáriu Restaurasaun Independénsia Timor-Leste [hato'o husi Sr. Vijay Nambiar, Asesór Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál nian kona-ba Birmánia]
Haksolok boot tebes hodi kongratula povu Timor-Leste iha désimu aniversáriu restaurasaun independénsia. Ha'u hato'o ha'u-nia dezeju sinseru boot iha okaziaun importante ida-ne'e.
Timor-Leste halo tiha ona progresu impresionante iha dékada ida liubá. Instituisaun Nasionál sira, ne'ebé kuaze la eziste iha tinan sanulu liubá, oras ne'e daudaun ezerse ona papél krusiál sira ba salvaguarda estabilidade no demokrasia. Parlamentu nu'udar forum dinámiku ida hodi halo debate polítika nian, tanba iha partisipasaun pozitiva husi partidu sira ne'ebé kaer ukun no partidu opozisaun sira. Governu sira ne'ebé tuituir malu hola ona medida konkreta sira hodi hadi'ak sidadaun sira-nia moris loro-loron nian no estabelese baze ba dezenvolvimentu. Judisiáriu hetan ona rezultadu importante sira liuhosi tane aas estadu-direitu. Nu'udar eleisaun prezidensiál nian foin lalais ne'e hatudu katak tantu Polísia komu Forsa Armada nian oras ne'e daudaun iha kapasidade di'ak liu hodi hala'o ida-idak nia knaar. No maski nasaun ne'e uluk simu asisténsia manutensaun pás nian, ohin loron nasaun ne'e kontribui ninia pesoál sira ba ami-nia esforsu sira hodi mantein pás no seguransa iha mundu tomak – loos duni ne'e hanesan "progresu" boot ida ne'ebé pozitivu tebes.
Povu Timor-Leste tenke orgullu ho progresu hirak-ne'e. Sira hatudu ona prinsípiu ne'ebé metin hodi rezolve dezafiu boot hirak-ne'e. Lider sira nasaun ne'e nian hatudu ona matenek no responsabilidade hodi lidera nasaun ne'e ultrapasa tempu sira ne'ebé nakonu ho difikuldade.
Ha'u kongratula Timor-Leste nia Prezidente foun, Exelénsia Taur Matan Ruak, ba nia tomada de pose ohin. Ha'u hein katak nia sei hetan susesu tomak enkuantu nasaun ne'e kontinua atu konsolida estabilidade, haburas governasaun demokrátika no promove dezenvolvimentu. Ha'u mós hato'o ha'u-nia apresiasaun kle'an ba eis-Prezidente, Exelénsia José Ramos-Horta, ne'ebé orienta ona Timor-Leste hodi hakat liu momentu difisil sira, promove pás, rekonsiliasaun no unidade nasionál.
Eleisaun prezidensiál ne'ebé pasífiku hatudu didi'ak progresu nasaun ne'e nian. Ha'u apela ba lider Timoroan sira hotu no partidu polítiku sira atu hatudu kompromisu hanesan ba eleisaun parlamentár ne'ebé pasífiku iha Fulan-Jullu oin-mai.
Aniversáriu ohin loron nian hatudu mós marku-istóriku iha parseria produtiva entre Timor-Leste no Nasoins Unidas. Durante dékada ida resin, Nasoins Unidas serbisu besik tebes ho povu Timor-Leste, apoia esforsu sira nasaun nian hodi harii Estadu ida ne'ebé forte no reziliente no promove pás no prosperidade ne'ebé sustentavel.
Eleisaun prezidensiál ne'ebé susesu sai mós hanesan sinál pozitiva ida katak Timor-Leste prontu ona hodi hakat ba tranzisaun iha ninia relasaun ho Nasoins Unidas. Mezmu ONU nia Misaun Integrada iha Timor-Leste kontinua prepara an tuir nia planu atu husik hela Timor-Leste iha tinan ida-ne'e nia rohan, ha'u garante ba Ita-Boot sira katak Nasoins Unidas sei prontu nafatin hodi fó apoiu ba Timor-Leste iha tinan hirak oin-mai. Forsa manutensaun pás nian bele husik hela Timor-Leste, maibé Nasoins Unidas sai nafatin hanesan Ita-Boot sira-nia parseiru ne'ebé besik liu hodi harii futuru ida-ne'ebé di'ak ba povu tomak iha nasaun ida-ne'e.

Parabéns dala ida tan ba eventu istóriku ida-ne'e. Viva Timor-Leste!
