SRSG Atul Khare: No democracy without rule of law

16 Apr 2009

SRSG Atul Khare: No democracy without rule of law

Dili, 16 April 2009 --Timor-Leste will soon be marking the 7th anniversary of its restoration of independence in 2002. During the last seven years, this country has witnessed important developments and reforms on its way towards firmly establishing rule of law and democracy. An independent and efficient judiciary which provides access to justice for all is a key element of rule of law and an important contribution to peace and stability; only it can ensure that individual and societal grievances are redressed, peacefully, through legal channels.

Rule of law may exist in the absence of democracy but democracy without the rule of law cannot. Establishing a culture of democracy and a truly democratic system takes many years and can only be achieved if the rule of law is one of the guiding principles that lead the process.

Global events are again bringing the timeless issues of stability, justice and impunity back in the forefront of global debate. In the long-term there can be no stability without justice and a well-functioning justice sector is in this regard the most important element. A justice sector does not need to be technically perfect to function but it must be seen by the people as being fair and only influenced by the letter and spirit of the law and not extraneous sentiments or influences.

When I first arrived in this country, seven years ago in the middle of 2002, judicial institutions were dysfunctional, given the lack of infrastructure and adequate human resources, in particular trained judges, prosecutors and public defenders.

Despite ongoing challenges, for the nascent justice system to combat impunity and instill public confidence in the justice system, some concrete progress has been noted. More Timorese justice personnel are being trained and are increasingly taking on line functions. Access to justice has been improved with districts courts functioning also outside Dili and the Prison service has improved, just to mention a few areas. Throughout these years Timor-Leste has made steady and significant progress to strengthen the Justice sector and its institutions, and despite the crisis of 2006 and the attacks in February 2008 demonstrated its commitment to rule of law and democracy. The country has also ratified all major international human rights instruments and recently adopted important legislation, such as the criminal code, which is broadly in line with international standards.

Strengthening the institutions and building capacities in the justice sector is a key element of UNMIT's mandate. The UN family in Timor-Leste has been continuously supporting the authorities in their efforts by providing technical advice and mentoring, an effort that has also benefited from strong support of bilateral partners.

In this process national ownership and leadership as well as coordination between the different institutions remain pivotal to improving access to justice in a sustainable manner. Whereas some progress has been made there are still many challenges ahead.

In an effort to fight against impunity, investigations concerning crimes against humanity and other serious crimes committed in 1999 need to be completed and prosecutions need to be pursued. The same holds true in respect of 2006 COI cases.

Pending key legislation, such as the Civil Code, the Law on Domestic Violence and a Juvenile Justice law to be adopted swiftly and efficiently implemented thereafter.

There is also a need for additional human rights education and raising legal awareness, with particular emphasis on women's rights and gender based violence, an undertaking in which civil society organizations will play a crucial role.

In order to overcome these challenges, given the reality of Timor-Leste, it is important to have a common vision and to develop a strategic plan.

The fact that the Ministry of Justice has taken the initiative to provide an opportunity for consultation among the different justice institutions and to develop a common vision for the next ten years demonstrates national ownership and should be seen as a major step forward. This might appear to be very ambitious, but the most important step has already been taken.

I would like to congratulate Her Excellency the Minister of Justice for this engagement and the leadership provided to this strategic planning process. The Security Council has also acknowledged the importance of an Independent Comprehensive Needs Assessment for the Justice Sector, supported by UNMIT, which will complement the ongoing planning process.

Both will be useful tools to identify gaps and highlight priorities which shall lead to enhanced coordination, help the development partners to channel their support in a concerted and strategic manner, for the development a more efficient and effective justice sector, enjoying the fullest confidence of the people of Timor-Leste.

My office and the UN family in Timor-Leste stand ready to provide continued support to this process.

(Edited version of the speech of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste Dr. Atul Khare at the Strategic Plan for the Justice Sector Workshop hosted by the Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste on 16-17 April 2009)

SRSG Atul Khare: Laiha demokrasia sein estadudedireitu

Dili, 16 Abril --Timor-Leste sei lakleur tan marka aniversáriu 7th (dahituk) kona-ba ninia restaurasaun independénsia iha tinan 2002. Durante tinan hitu liubá, nasaun ida-ne'e haree ona dezenvolvimentu no reforma ne'ebé importante iha ninia dalan harii estadudedireitu no demokrasia ne'ebé metin. Judisiáriu ne'ebé independente no efisiente sei fornese asesu ba justisa ba ema hotu nu'udar elementu prinsipál estadudediretu nian no kontribuisaun importante ba pás no estabilidade; só ne'e de'it bele garante katak injustisa individuál no sosiál bele rezolve, ho dame, liuhosi meius legál.

Estadudedireitu bele iha sein prezensa demokrasia maibé demokrasia lahó estadudedireitu la bele. Estabelese kultura demokrasia no sistema demokrasia ne'ebé loos presiza tinan barak no bele alkansa de'it se estadudedireitu nu'udar prinsípiu orientasaun ida ne'ebé lidera prosesu ne'e.

Dala ida tan akontesimentu globál lori asuntu ne'ebé la iha rohan kona-ba estabilidade, justisa no impunidade mai fali iha debate globál nia oin. Iha longuprazu sei la bele iha estabilidade sein justisa no kona-ba asuntu ida-ne'e elementu importante liu maka setór justisa ne'ebé funsiona ho di'ak. Setór justisa la presiza sai perfeitu teknikamente hodi funsiona maibé setór ne'e ema tenke haree ba hanesan justu no hetan influénsia de'it hosi surat no espíritu lei nian no la'ós sentimentu ka espíritu hosi li'ur.
Bainhira ba dala uluk ha'u to'o iha nasaun ida-ne'e, tinan hitu liubá iha tinan 2002 nia klaran, instituisaun judisiál la funsiona, laiha infraestrutura ne'ebé di'ak no rekursu umanu natoon, liuliu treinu juis, prokuradór no defensór públiku sira.

Maski iha dezafiu sira barabarak, iha progresu konkretu balun ne'ebé halo tiha ona ba sistema justisa ne'ebé foin moris hodi kombate impunidade no harii fali konfiansa públiku iha sistema justisa ne'e. Pesoál justisa Timoroan barak maka hetan treinu ona no barak maka simu ona responsabilidade prinsipál. Asesu ba justisa iha ona mudansa ho funsionamentu tribunál distritál no mós sira seluk ne'ebé la'ós iha Dili no servisu prizionál mós iha progresu, ne'e mensiona de'it área balun. Iha tinan hirak –ne'e nia laran Timor-Leste halo ona progresu ne'ebé metin no signifikativu hodi hametin setór Justisa no ninia instituisaun sira, no maski krize 2006 no atentadu Fevereiru 2008 hatudu ninia kompromisu ba estadudedireitu no demokrasia. Nasaun ne'e mós ratifika ona instrumentu direitus umanus internsionál ne'ebé importante no daudaun ne'e adota ona lejizlasaun ne'ebé importante, hanesan kódigu prosesu penál ne'ebé jeralmente tuir padraun internasionál.

Hametin liu tan instituisaun sira no hasa'e kapasidade sira iha setór justisa nian ida-ne'e mak elementu xave husi mandatu UNMIT nian. Família sira ONU nian iha Timor-leste kontinua apoiu autoridade sira iha sira-nia esforsu liuhosi fornese konsellu tékniku no monitorizasaun, esforsu ida ne'ebé mós hetan benefísiu husi apoiu parseiru bilateral sira.

Iha prosesu apropriasaun nasionál ho lideransa no mós koordenasaun entre instituisaun oioin esensiál tebes, atu hadi'ak asesu ba justisa iha maneira ne'ebé sustentável. Ne'ebé progresu barak mak halo tiha ona maibé sei iha dezafiu sira barak mak iha oin.

Hamutuk iha esforsu ida atu luta hasoru impunidade, investigasaun kona-ba krime sira hasoru umanidade no krime sériu sira ne'ebé halo iha tinan 1999 presiza atu halo remata no tuir ho akuzasaun. Hanesan mós ba kazu sira ne'ebé Komisaun Inkéritu halo iha 2006 nian.

Lejizlasaun importante mak pendente hela hanesan Kódigu Sivíl, Lei Violénsia Doméstika no Lei Justisa Juveníl nian tenke adota lailais no implementa ho efisiente.

Iha mós nesesidade kona-ba edukasaun direitus umanus no hasa'e Koñesimentu legál nian, liuliu haree ba direitu sira feto nian no violénsia bazeia ba jéneru, lala'ok ne'ebé organizasaun sosiedade sivíl sira iha papél importante atu kontribui.

Hodi bele hakat liu dezafiu sira-ne'e, haree mós ba realidade Timor-leste nian, ne'e importante atu iha vizaun komún ida no dezenvolve planu estratéjiku ida.

Realidade katak Ministériu Justisa foti ona inisiativa ida atu kria oportunidade hodi halo konsulta entre instituisaun justisa oioine no dezenvolve vizaun komún ida ba tinan sanulu oinmai, ne'e mostra apropriasaun nasionál no tenke haree hanesan hakat boot ida ba oin. Ida-ne'e dalaruma sei sai ambisiozu liu, maibé pasu ida importante mak hala'o tiha ona ne'e.

Hau hakarak atu kongratula Exelénsia Ministra Justisa ba servisu ida-ne'e no lideransa ne'ebé fornese ba prosesu planu estratéjiku ida-ne'e. Konsellu Seguransa mós rekoñese importánsia husi Avaliasaun Komprensivu Nesesáriu ba setór justisa, apoiu husi UNMIT, ne'ebé sei halo kompletu prosesu planu ba oin.

Rua ne'e hotu sei sai meius atu identifika lakuna sira konsentra ba prioridade sira ne'ebé sei lori ba koordenasaun, tulun parseiru dezenvolvimentu sira atu bele tau sira nia apoiu sira iha kanál konsentradu no maneira ne'ebé estratéjiku, ba dezenvolvimentu kona-ba setór justisa ida ne'ebé efisiente no efetivu, hetan konfiansa totál husi povu Timor-leste.

Há'u-nia gabinete no Família ONU nian iha Timor-Leste prontu atu fó kontinuasaun tulun ba prosesu ida-ne'e.

(Edited version of the speech of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste Dr. Atul Khare at the Strategic Plan for the Justice Sector Workshop hosted by the Ministry of Justice of Timor-Leste on 16-17 April 2009)