SRSG Congratulates Dr Marcelino Correia

29 Jan 2009

SRSG Congratulates Dr Marcelino Correia

29 January 2009, DILI - As the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Timor-Leste, I would personally like to congratulate Dr Marcelino Correia on his graduation as the first Timorese Ophthalmologist. This is a remarkable achievement and represents a concrete step forward in the development of this young nation.

Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine which deals with the diseases and surgery of the eye. In Timor-Leste, such skills are vital as eye-related problems are common and include cataracts, cornea legions, eye infections and the every growing need for the use of corrective spectacles.

For the past five years, Dr Correia has studied in Australia and been mentored in Timor-Leste by visiting medical teams from Australia in ophthalmology. He has also partaken in several clinical assessments in both Australia and Nepal. Today's graduation marks the completion of his Masters of Medicine in Ophthalmology Degree from the University of Sydney. Prior to this, he completed a Graduate Diploma in International Ophthalmology at the same University. He completed his original Medical Degree from the University of Makassar in Indonesia

Dr Correia's degree is part of specialized medical training funded by the East Timor Eye Program under the auspices of the Ministry of Health. The East Timor Eye Program, together with the AusAID-funded Royal Australian College of Surgeons, have funded several such specialised medical training. The funding for such training represents a great example of public-private partnerships aimed at building the capacity of Timorese professionals.

Such achievements give me hope that the people of Timor-Leste can through their hard efforts raise the quality of life for their children and together create a future for this nation marked with prosperity and hope.

This is a statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Timor-Leste Mr Atul Khare.

For further information, please contact Ivo dos Santos on 7311782.

Esteitmentu ba Imprensa

RESJ Kongratula Doutór Marcelino Correia

Dili, 29 Janeiru 2009 – Nudar Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu-Jerál (RESJ) Nasoins Unidas iha Timor Leste, hau pesoálmente hakarak kongratula Doutór Marcelino Correia nudar Timoroan ida nebe primeira vez hetan Graduasaun Lisensiatura Medisina Optalmolójia nian.

Ne'e nudar progresu ida nebe importante liu no hatudu pasu konkretu ida nebe hodi avansa ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nurak ida ne'e nian.

Optalmolójia hanesan sanak médiku ida nebe lida ho moras no sirurjia matan ni-nian. Iha Timor Leste, problema ba orgaun vitál hanesan matan komún tebe-tebes, inklui matan míope, knalus lejiaun, infesaun matan, no relasiona ho problema hirak ne'e hotu presiza uza espetakulus nebe koretivu.

Tinan lima liubá, Doutór Correia hahú ninia estudu iha Austrália no akompañhadu iha Timor Leste atravesa vizita ekipa médiku Australianu nian ba iha Optalmolójia. Nia mos hala'o tiha ona avaliasaun lubuk ida ba iha postu klíniku balun iha Austrália no Nepál. Graduasaun nebe nia foti ohin loron ne'e hodi kompleta ninia Lisensiatura Medisina Optalmolójia nian husi Universidade Sydney. Antes ne'e, nia mos kompleta tiha ona ninia Diploma Optalmolójia Internasionál nian iha Universidade nebe hanesan. Maibe ba dahuluk liu, nia kompleta tiha ona ninia Lisensiatura Médiku nian husi Universidade Makasar, iha Indonezia.

Doutór Correia nia lisensiatura ne'e hanesan parte treinamentu médiku espesializadu nebe hetan fundus husi Programa Matan Timor Leste nian, no apoia husi Ministeriu Saude. Programa Matan Timor Leste hamutuk ho Fundu AusAID ba Kolejíu Sirurjiaun Royal Australia nian, ajuda ona fundus lubuk ida ba programa hanesan treinamentu médiku espesializadu nian. Fundus nebe oferese ba treinamentu hanesan ne'e, hatudu duni ezemplu diak nebe parseiru públiku no privadu sira halo atu hasa'e kapasitasaun ba Timoroan sira nia profesionalizmu.

Progresu hanesan ne'e fo esperansa katak povu Timor Leste bele halo esforsu makas hodi promove kualidade moris ba sira nia oan no hamutuk sira bele kria futuru nasaun ida ne'ebe sei hetan prosperiedade no nakonu ho esperansa.

Ne'e mak esteitmentu husi Reprezentante Espesial Sekretáriu-Jerál Nasoins Unidas iha Timor Leste, Senhor Atul Khare.

Atu hatene informasaun klean, bele kontaktu Ivo dos Santos iha numeru Telefone: 731 1782.