SRSG Khare meets with Japan's President of House of Councillors Eda

11 Feb 2009

SRSG Khare meets with Japan's President of House of Councillors Eda

On 9 February, SRSG Khare called on Japan's President of House of Councillors Satsuki Eda. Mr. Eda was joined by several members of the Parliamentarians League for Timor-Leste, namely Mr. Tsutomu Hata, the former Prime Minister, Ms. Tomiko Okazaki, the Secretary-General of the League for Timor-Leste, Mr. Tsurunen Marutei and Mr. Yuji Sawa, the Chairman of the Committee on Judicial Affairs. This meeting took place on the first day of SRSG Khare's two-day bilateral visit to Japan, ahead of his travel to New York for the meeting of the Security Council on Timor-Leste, scheduled to take place on 19 February.

SRSG recalled Mr. Eda's statement in June last year in Dili that the "UN should not stay too long nor leave too early" and briefed him on the latest discussions on the planned process of gradual resumption of responsibility by the PNTL. They also discussed the issue of eventual transition from a phase of peacekeeping to the next phase. SRSG Khare also expressed his appreciation to Japan's continued support to Timor-Leste which respected the "ownership" of the Timorese people. Upon explanation made by Mr. Eda on the visits by Mr. Eda and Mr. Hata immediately before the 1999 referendum, SRSG Khare noted that such and other high level visits were effective in demonstrating Japan's strong commitment to the peacebuilding efforts in TImor-Leste. As Mr. Hata emphasized the importance of infrastructure development, SRSG Khare informed him that 2009 has been designated by Prime Minister Gusmao as "the year of infrastructure."

2009 also marks the tenth year anniversary of the 30 August 1999 referendum and the direct involvement of the UN. Ideas were exchanged on possible initiatives to commemorate the anniversary. Noting the importance of education and recalling the absence of Timor-Leste from the recent Conference of Directors of National Libraries in Asia and Oceania, Mr. Eda suggested establishing a national library in Timor-Leste. Other ideas discussed included: a national census; enhancement of reproductive health programme; and promotion of Timor-Leste's safe organic farming and fishery and the provision of technical assistance in these areas. SRSG informed them that a national census was planned for 2012 and told them that he would share their ideas on possible initiatives with President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Gusmao.

SRSG and Mr. Eda agreed on the need for the UN and Japan to closely work together especially in this important juncture when Japan has taken on the Chairmanship of the Core Group on Timor-Leste and assumed the role of the President of the Security Council for the month of February. Mr. Eda assured the SRSG of Japan's continued commitment to assisting Timor-Leste and the work of the UN there.


RESJ Atul Khare hasoru malu ho Prezidente Dieta Japaun nian, Satsuki Eda no membru sira Liga Parlamentár ba Timor-Leste

Iha loron 9, fulan-Fevereiru RESJ Atul Khare vizita Prezidente Dieta Japaun nian, Satsuki Eda. Sr. Eda halibur hamutuk ho membru balu Liga Parlamentár ba Timor-Leste, maka hanesan: Sr. Tsutomu Hata, eis Primeiru Ministru, Sra. Tomiko Okazaki, Sekretária-Jerál Liga ba Timor-Leste, Sr. Tsurunen Marutei no Sr. Yuji Sawa, Prezidente Komité Asuntu Jurídiku. Enkontru ida-ne'e hala'o iha loron dahuluk vizita bilaterál loron rua RESJ Atul Khare nian ba Japaun, molok nia viajen ba Novaiorke atu atende enkontru Konsellu Seguransa nian kona-ba Timor-Lste, ne'ebé tuir planu atu hala'o iha loron 19, fulan-Fevereiru.

RESJ hanoin hikas deklarasaun Sr. Satsuki Eda nian iha fulan-Juñu tinan kotuk iha Dili katak "ONU labele hela kleur demais no la'o hela sedu demais" no esplika ba nia kona-ba diskusaun sira ikus liu nian sobre prosesu asumi responsibilidade graduál ne'ebé planeadu hosi PNTL. Sira mós diskuti kona-ba kestaun tranzisaun eventuál hosi faze manutensaun pás ba faze tuirmai. RESJ Atul Khare mós hato'o ninia apresiasaun ba apoiu kontínuu Japaun nian ba Timor-Leste, ne'ebé respeita "propriedade" povu Timor-Leste nian. Hafoin tiha esplikasaun ne'ebé hato'o hosi Sr. Satsuki Eda kona-ba vizita sira hosi Sr. Satsuki Eda no Sr. Tsutomu Hata nian imediatamente molok referendum tinan 1999 nian, RESJ Atul Khare nota katak vizita sira hanesan ne'e no vizita nível aas sira seluk ne'e sai efetivu hodi hatudu Japaun nia kompromisu maka'as ba esforsu sira harii pás nian iha Timor-Leste. Tanba Sr. Tsutomu Hata subliña kona-ba importánsia dezenvolvimentu infrastrutura, RESJ Atul Khare informa ba nia katak tinan 2009 dezigna tiha ona hosi Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão nu'udar "tinan infrastrutura".

Tinan 2009 mós marka aniversáriu dasanuluk referendum loron 30, fulan-Agostu nian no envolvimentu diretu ONU nian. Iha troka idea sira kona-ba inisiativa sira ne'ebé posivel atu hala'o hodi komemora aniversáriu ne'e. Bainhira nota kona-ba importánsia edukasaun no hanoin hikas kona-ba auzensia Timor-Leste nian iha Konferénsia Diretór sira Biblioteka Nasionál iha Azia no Oseania foin lalais ne'e, Sr. Satsuki Eda sujere kona-ba estabelesimentu biblioteka nasionál ida iha Timor-Leste. Ideia sira seluk ne'ebé foti inklui: sensu nasionál; melloramentu programa saúde reprodutiva; no promosaun Timor-Leste nia halo to'os/natar orgánika no peska ne'ebé seguru no mós fornesimentu asisténsia téknika iha área hirak-ne'e. RESJ informa ba sira katak sensu nasionál ida planeadu ba tinan 2012 no hatete ba sira katak nia sei partilla sira-nia idea sira-ne'e kona-ba inisiativa sira-ne'ebé posivel atu hala'o, ho Prezidente Ramos-Horta no mós Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmão.

RESJ no Sr. Satsuki Eda konkorda kona-ba nesesidade ba ONU no Japaun atu serbisu hamutuk ho maka'as, espesialmente, iha konjuntura importante ida-ne'e bainhira Japaun asumi tiha ona Prezidénsia Grupu Prinsipál kona-ba kestaun Timor-Leste no asumi knaar Prezidente Konsellu Seguransa nian iha fulan-Fevereiru. Sr. Eda garante ba RESJ kona-ba Japaun nia kompromisu ne'ebé kontínuu hodi ajuda Timor-Leste no serbisu ONU nian iha ne'ebá.