SRSG Khare thanks Japan for its contributions to Timor-Leste

12 Feb 2009

SRSG Khare thanks Japan for its contributions to Timor-Leste

Dili, 12 February 2009 -
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) to Timor-Leste Atul Khare has given special thanks to the Japanese Government for its contributions to the development of Timor-Leste while meeting with Japan's Defence Minister Yasukazu Hamada.

The SRSG met with the Defense Minister on the second day of Mr. Khare's two-day visit to Japan.

During the previous UN Missions in Timor-Leste, UNTAET and UNMISET, the Japanese Self Defence Force (SDF) Engineering Group reconstructed over 120 roads and bridges as part of vital national efforts to rebuild the shattered infrastructure of the country.

Under the succeeding UN Missions of UNMISET and UNOTIL, the Japanese continued their assistance through Japan's Demining and Reconstruction Assistance Centre, an NGO comprised of SDF retirees.

On issues related to national defence, the SRSG pointed out that it was important for the Timorese people to define a meaningful role for its national army in a peacetime setting as had been underlined by the Secretary-General.

The Defence Minister and the SRSG agreed on the importance of Japan's continued support to Timor-Leste and to the work of UNMIT.

The SRSG's visit to Japan will be followed by his travel to New York for a Security Council meeting on Timor-Leste, scheduled to take place on 19 February.


RESJ Atul Khare agradese Japaun ba nia kontribuisaun sira-ne'ebé fó ba Timor-Leste

Dili, 12 Fevereiru 2009 - Reprezentante Espesiál Sekretáriu Jerál (RESJ) ba Timor-Leste, Atul Khare hato'o tiha ona agradesimentu espesiál ba Governu Japonés ba ninia kontribuisaun sira-ne'ebé fó ba iha dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian wainhira hasoru malu ho Japaun nia Ministru Defeza, Yasukazu Hamada.

RESJ hasoru malu ho Ministru Defeza ne'e iha loron daruak hosi Señor Atul Khare nia vizita durante loron rua ba Japaun.

Durante Misaun sira ONU nian uluk iha Timor-Leste, UNTAET no UNMISET, Grupu Enjeñeria Forsa Auto Defeza Japaun nian (SDF) hala'o rekonstrusaun fali ba luron no jambata liu 120 nu'udar parte esforsu sira nasionál nian ne'ebé importante hodi harii hikas infrastrutura rai laran nian mak rahun.

Iha Misaun sira susesivu ONU nian: UNMISET no UNOTIL, Japonés sira kontribui sira-nia asisténsia liuhosi Japaun nia Sentru Asisténsia Rekonstrusaun no Hasai Minas, nu'udar ONG ida-ne'ebé komposta hosi ema reformadu sira SDF nian.

Kona-ba kestaun sira-ne'ebé relasiona ho defeza nasionál, RESJ fó sai katak importante ba ema Timoroan sira atu defini knaar ne'ebé iha sentidu ba ninia forsa armada nasionál iha kondisaun tempu pás nian hanesan subliña tiha ona hosi Sekretáriu-Jerál.

Ministru Defeza ne'e no RESJ konkorda kona-ba importánsia apoiu Japaun nia mak kontínuu ba Timor-Leste no ba serbisu UNMIT nian.

RESJ nia vizita ba Japaun ne'e sei kontinua ho ninia viajen ba Novaiorke atu atende enkontru Konsellu Seguransa nian ida kona-ba Timor-Leste, ne'ebé tuir oráriu atu hala'o iha loron 19, fulan-Fevereiru.