UNMIT welcomes new UNPOL Commisioner
Dili, 26 February 2008 – Mr. Luis Miguel Carrilho assumed his duties as United National Police (UNPOL) Commissioner of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) on 23 February 2009.
Mr. Carrilho worked at the office of the President of the Republic of Portugal as the Head of Security, where he was responsible for overseeing the safety and security of the President and his Office. He also served as the Commander of Close Protection of the Security Police in Lisbon, commanding the provision of security protection for
national principals and foreign dignities visiting Portugal. In the late 1990s, he worked as the chief of Cabinet of the Director of the Police College in Portugal.
"UNMIT really welcome Mr. Carrilho. He brings a wealth of experience through his distinguished career in law enforcement in his home country and abroad will be the benefits for UNPOL and PNTL," said Mr. Kawakami, DSRSG of UNMIT.
Mr. Carrilho first joined the United Nations in 1996, working primarily on training the civilian police with the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH) until 1998. 2000-2001 he returned to UN Peacekeeping with the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET). Mr. Carrilho with the UNTAET mission served as the Director of the Timor-Leste Police Training College and as Spokesman of the United Nations Police then as the Special Assistant to the United Nations Police Commissioner.
"We, as a team are working in collaboration with all stakeholders in a proactive manner and also in a constructive engagement with peace loving Timorese people. Government and PNTL are irrevocably committed to fulfill UNMIT's mandate within the context of the sovereignty of Timor- Leste," said Mr. Carrilho, UN Police Commissioner of UNMIT.
Sr. Carrilho uluk serbisu iha gabinete Prezidente Repúblika Portugál nian nu'udar Xefe Seguransa, no iha-ne'ebá nia responsavel hodi tau matan ba seguransa Prezidente no ninia Gabinete nian. Nia mós uluk serbí nu'udar Komandante Seguransa Pesoál nian iha Polísia Seguransa Públika iha Lizboa, no komanda forsa ne'ebé fó protesaun no seguransa ba ema-boot nasionál no ba ema importante husi rai-li'ur ne'ebé vizita Portugál. Iha dékada 1990 nia rohan, nia serbisu nu'udar xefe Gabinete husi Diretór Institutu Superiór Polísia nian iha Portugál.
"UNMIT hato'o benvindu ho laran tomak ba Sr. Carrilho. Nia lori ninia esperiénsia boot husi ninia karreira profisionál kapás nu'udar polísia iha nia nasaun rasik no iha rai-li'ur, no ida-ne'e sei sai benefísiu ba UNPOL no PNTL", Sr. Kawakami, Reprezentante Espesiál Adjuntu Sekretáriu-Jerál nian husi UNMIT, hateten.
Sr. Carrilho serbisu iha Nasoins Unidas ba dala uluk iha 1996, ne'ebé nia knaar liuliu atu fó treinu ba polísia sivíl ho Misaun Nasoins Unidas nian iha Boznia no Herzegovina (UNMIBH) to'o 1998. Hafoin nia fila fali ba Manutensaun Pás ONU nian entre 2000-2001, ho Administrasaun Tranzitória Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNTAET).
Sr. Carrilho kaer serbisu oioin iha misaun UNTAET, nu'udar Diretór Akademia Polísia Timor-Leste nian, nu'udar portavós Polísia Nasoins Unidas nian, no nu'udar Asistente Espesiál ba Komisáriu Polísia Nasoins Unidas nian.
"Ami, nu'udar ekipa ne'ebé serbisu lisuk hodi kolabora ho parseiru hotu-hotu ho atitude proativa, ho engajamentu konstrutivu ho timoroan sira ne'ebé hadomi pás, Governu no PNTL hotu iha kompromisu metin atu hala'o ba oin Mandatu UNMIT nian iha kontestu soberania Timor-Leste nian", Sr. Carrilho, Komisáriu Polísia ONU husi UNMIT, hateten.
Atu hetan informasaun tan, favór ida kontakta Portavós UNMIT nian: Gyorgy Kakuk iha +6707230749 ka Ivo Santos iha +670 7311782 ka Portavós UNPOL: Donald Awunah iha 7230475 no awunah@un.org
For more information, please contact UNMIT Spokesperson: Gyorgy Kakuk on +6707230749 or Ivo Santos on +670 7311782 or UNPOL Spokesperson: Donald Awunah on 7230475 and awunah@un.org
Dili, 26 Fevereiru 2008 – Sr. Luís Miguel Carrilho hahú nia knaar nu'udar Komisáriu Polísia Nasoins Unidas (UNPOL) nian husi Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) iha 23 Fevereiru 2009.