To support action on climate change, UN to dim lights for ‘Earth Hour’ on Saturday, 27 March 2010
Dili, 25 March 2010 - The United Nations will observe "Earth Hour", at its Headquarters in New York and other facilities around the world to show its continuing commitment to action on climate change.
Earth Hour, promoted by WWF, the global conservation organization, asks people and organizations to turn off their lights for one hour on Saturday night between 8:30-9:30 p.m. local time, in whatever time zone they may be located.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called Earth Hour "both a warning and a beacon of hope."
"By switching off non-essential lights for an hour, people will join a symbolic display that can inspire the change we so urgently need," he said. "As we watch the lights go out from continent to continent, let us reflect on the fragility and importance of our natural heritage and pledge to protect it for a sustainable future for all."
"The message of Earth Hour is simple," he added. "Climate change is a concern for each of us. Solutions are within our grasp and are ready to be implemented by individuals, communities, businesses and governments around the globe."
Earth Hour organizers say that in 2009, hundreds of millions of people in 4,088 cities, towns and municipalities across 88 countries participated and hope that the event will reach more than one billion people around the globe, in more than 6,000 cities, this year.
The Earth Hour event takes place one week after the vernal equinox -- when night and day are the same duration in both hemispheres -- which ensures that it will be night-time for all people, wherever they are, at 8:30 in the evening.
The United Nations will be joining many other landmarks around the world in turning off its lights at its New York Headquarters and other locations.
For further information, please contact Dan Shepard of the United Nations Department of Public Information, tel.: 212 963 9495, e-mail:
Hodi apoia asaun kona-ba mudansa klimátika, ONU sei hamate ahi ba 'Earth Hour' iha Sábadu, loron-27 fulan-Marsu tinan-2010
Nasoins Unidas sei observa "Earth Hour" iha Sábadu, loron-27 fulan-Marsu, iha ninia Kuartél-Jenerál iha Nova Iorke no fasilidade sira seluk iha mundu tomak hodi hatudu ninia kompromisu kontinuu ba asaun kona-ba mudansa klimátika.
Earth Hour, promovidu husi WWF, organizasaun ba konservasaun globál, husu ema no organizasaun sira atu hamate sira-nia ahi durante oras ida iha Sábadu kalan entre tuku 8:30-9:30. tempu lokál, iha kualkér zona tempu ne'ebé sira hela.
Sekretáriu Jerál Nasoins Unidas nian, Ban Ki-moon, bolu Earth Hour "nu'udar avizu no sinál esperansa nian."
"Ho hamate ahi sira ne'ebé la esensiál durante oras ida, ema sei tuir aprezentasaun simbólika ne'ebé bele fó inspirasaun atu halo mudansa ne'ebé ita presiza tebe-tebes," nia dehan. "Asinke ita haree ahi sira mate iha kontinente hotu-hotu, maka mai ita reflete kona-ba ita-nia patrimóniu naturál nia frajilidade no importánsia no promete atu proteje nia hodi ba futuru ne'ebé sustentavel ba ema hotu."
"Mensajen Earth Hour ne'e simples," nia hatutan. "Mudansa Klimátika nu'udar preokupasaun ida ba ita ida-idak. Ninia solusaun sira iha hela iha ita-nia liman laran no prontu atu implementa husi ema ida-idak, komunidade, empreza no governu sira iha mundu tomak."
Organizadór sira Earth Hour nian hateten katak iha tinan 2009, ema hamutuk millaun atus-ba-atus iha sidade, vila no munisípiu hamutuk 4.088 iha nasaun 88 partisipa tiha ona no espera katak eventu ne'e sei abranje ema hamutuk billaun ida resin iha mundu tomak, iha sidade hamutuk liu 6.000, tinan ida-ne'e.
Eventu Earth Hour sei hala'o semana ida depoizde ekinósiu vernál) – bainhira tempu kalan no loron iha durasaun hanesan iha emisfériu rua hotu – ne'ebé asegura katak Earth Hour ne'e sei tempu kalan ba ema hotu, iha ne'ebé de'it sira hela, iha tuku 8:30 kalan.
Nasoins Unidas sei tau hamutuk sinál importante sira seluk bara-barak iha mundu tomak hodi hamate ninia ahi iha Kuartél-Jenerál Nova Iorke no fatin sira seluk.
Karik presiza informasaun klean liu, favór kontakta Dan Shepard iha Departamentu Informasaun Públika Nasoins Unidas nian, tel.: 212 963 9495, e-mail: