Dili, 9 April 2010 - The United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development, a regional institute of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), and Timor Leste's Directorate National for Information and Communication Technology (DNICT), of the Ministry of Infrastructure, today concluded the second National Workshop of the "Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders" (Academy) in Dili, Timor-Leste.
The second National Workshop was opened by Mr. Fernando Da Cruz, Directorate General for Transport and Communication, Ministry of Infrastructure on 6 April, and was attended by over sixty participants from seven government ministries, twelve districts, and international organizations based in Timor-Leste, including the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). Kim Ki-Kwon, Deputy Director of APCICT, attended the final two days of the training workshop, which was facilitated by Academy alumni and resource persons from the University of Indonesia, and Timor-Leste's Ministry of Infrastructure.
Ministry of Infrastructure officials, APCICT representatives, and Academy partners also met to discuss the expansion of the Academy Programme in Timor-Leste, and support for the development of ICT policies in the country. Moving forward DNICT will continue to deliver the Academy curriculum and begin to roll-out the programme at the district level. APCICT will also continue to support DNICT as it expands the Academy in Timor-Leste, and will work to increase the pool of local ICT resource persons through future sub-regional training events. APCICT will further provide advisory services to Timor-Leste as it works toward building comprehensive ICT policies that will help achieve national development objectives. Both APCICT and DNICT acknowledged that the future success of the Academy programme and the achievement of Timor-Leste's development goals will be based on a strong, inclusive partnership.
"The second National Workshop is an illustration of DNICT's work toward strengthening ICT human resources and institutional capacity, and of Timor-Leste's continued determination to provide effective public services through ICTs", said Deputy Director Kim. "This workshop has also demonstrated the benefit of continued cooperation between sub-regional stakeholders in the pursuit of achieving socio-economic development goals", added Kim.
The workshop aimed to enhance awareness and strengthen knowledge on the effective use of ICTs for sustainable socio-economic development among government officials. The Bahasa Indonesia version of Academy Module 3, e-Government Applications, and Module 4, ICT Trends for Government Leaders, were delivered during the four-day event. APCICT and DNICT had previously delivered modules 1 and 2 during the inaugural Academy workshop in July, 2009. Equipping policymakers and project managers with the necessary ICT skills and knowledge to develop relevant policies and deliver effective public services related to ICT for development is the primary objective of the Academy programme. The Academy includes a comprehensive curriculum on ICT for development, currently with eight standalone but interlinked modules.
Academy programmes have been delivered throughout Asia and the Pacific in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Samoa, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tonga and Tuvalu.
United Nations APCICT-ESCAP
The United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT/ESCAP) is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, established with a membership identical to that of ESCAP and is located in Incheon, Republic of Korea. APCICT aims to strengthen the efforts of the member countries of ESCAP to use ICT in their socio-economic development through building human and institutional capacity for ICT.
For further information, please contact:
Hyeun-Suk Rhee, Director UN-APCICT Incheon, Republic of Korea
Tel: +(82) 032 245 1700
Timor-Leste Hamutuk ho ONU Ramata Treinamentu TIK ba Darua no Halo Diskusaun kona-ba Inisiativa Dezenvolvimentu Kapasidade iha Futuru
Dili, 9 Abril 2010 – Sentru Treinamentu ba Teknolojia Inforsaun no Komunikasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu iha Ázia no Pasífiku husi Nasoins Unidos nu'udar institutu rejionál husi Komisaun Ekonomia no Sosiál ba Ázia no Pasífiku husi Nasoins Unidos (UN-APCICT/ESCAP), hamutuk ho Diresaun Nasionál Teknolójia Informátika no Komunikasaun, Ministériu Infraestrutura Timor-Leste, ohin loron ramata Treinamentu Nasionál ba Darua kona-ba "Akademia Importansia TIK ba Lider Governu" (Akademia) iha Dili, Timor-Leste.
Treinamentu ne'e loke husi Sr. Fernando Da Cruz, Diretór Jerál Transporte no Komunikasaun, Ministériu Infraestrutura iha loron 6 Abril liu ba, no hetan partisipasaun maizumenus partisipante na'in 60 ne'ebé mai husi ministeriu 7, distritu 12, no mos organizasaun internasionál iha Timor-Leste, inklui husi Misaun Integradu ONU iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT). Sr. Kim Ki-Kwon, nu'udar Vise Diretór APCICT, partisipa iha loron 2 ikus liu husi treinamentu ne'e. Treinamentu ida ne'e hetan suporta treinador husi Alumni Akademia rasik ne'ebé mai husi Univertas Indonesia no mos husi Ministeriu Infraestrutura Timor-Leste rasik.
Ofisiál sira husi Ministeriu Infraestrutura hamutuk ho reprezentante sira husi APCICT, no mos parseria seluk hala'o sorumutu hodi diskuti kona-ba oinsa atu haluan Programa Akademia ne'e iha Timor-Leste, no mos oinsa atu suporta dezenvolvimentu pulítika TIK iha Timor-Leste. Iha tempu oin mai, DNICT sei kontinua atu fornese treinamentu kurikulu Akademia no mos komesa hala'o treinamentu ne'e iha nivel distritu no APCICT mos sei kontinua suporta DNICT no sei serbisu atu hasa'e númeru treinador lokál TIK liu husi iventu treinamentu nivel rejionál. APCICT sei kontinua fornese konsellu ba Timor-Leste iha esforsu atu dezenvolve pullítika TIK ne'ebé komprensivu hodi bele suporta atu hetan Timor-Leste nia objetivu dezenvolvimentu nasionál sira. APCICT no DNICT rekoñese katak susesu programa Akademia nian iha futuru no mos susesu atu hetan alvu dezenvolvimentu nasionál Timor-Leste, sei depende ba parseria ne'ebé forte no mos inklusivu.
Vise Diretór Kim hateten katak: "Treinamentu ba Darua ne'e hatudu DNICT nia esforsu atu hametin rekursu umanu iha area TIK no mos kapasidade institusionál, no mos hatudu determinasaun husi parte Timor-Leste atu fornese servisu públiku ne'ebé efikas liu husi TIK". Kim mos hatutan: "Treinamentu ne'e mos hatudu ona benefisiu husi kooperasaun kontinuadu entre parseria nivel sub-rejionál iha esforsu atu hetan alvu dezenvolvimentu sosiál-ekonomia".
Treinamentu nia objetivu atu hasa'e no hametin koñesimentu ofisial governu sira kona-na oinsa uza ho efetivu TIK hodi suporta dezenvolvimentu sustentavel sosiál-ekonomia. Iha treinamentu loron 4 ne'e fornese ona Mudulu Akademia nian rua. Modulu 3 kona-ba, Aplikasaun e-Government, no Modulu 4, kona-ba Tren TIK ba Lider Governu sira. APCICT ho DNICT mos fornese ona treinamentu kona-ba Modulu 1 Modulu 2 ho susesu iha Treinamentu Dahuluk iha fulan Jullu 2009. Objetivu prinsipál husi programa akademia ne'e mak atu dezenvolve abilidade no koñesimentu TIK ba jestór projetu no mos ba ofisiál altu nivel sira atu sira bele dezenvolve no mos fornese servisu públiku ne'ebé efikas. Akedemia ne'e kobre kurikulu komprensivu iha TIK ba dezenvolvimentu, hamutuk iha modulu 8 ne'ebé ligadu maske bele hanorin ketak-ketak.
Programa Akademia ne'e hala'o tiha ona iha Ázia no Pasífiku laran hanesan iha Afghanistan, Cambodia, Cook Islands, Indonesia, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippine, Samoa, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tonga no mos Tuvalu.
Kona-ba Nasoins Unidos APCICT/ESCAP
Ajénsia Sentru Teknolojia Informatika no Komunikasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu husi Nasoins Unidos iha Ázia no Pasífiku (UN-APCICT/ESCAP) nu'udar organizasaun ne'ebé parte husi Komisaun Sosiál no Ekonomia ba Ázia no Pasífiku (ESCAP), bazeia iha Incheon Korea ho membru sira ne'ebé hanesan ho membru ESCAP nian. APCICT nia alvu mak atu hametin esforsu sira husi membru ESCAP hodi uza TIK iha dezenvolvimentu social-ekonomia liu husi dezenvolve kapasidade umanu no institusional iha parte TIK.
Bele mos kontatu:
Hyeun-Suk Rhee, Director UN-APCICT/ESCAP Incheon, Republic of Korea
Tel: +(82) 032 245 1700