Timor-Leste celebrates Human Rights Day

10 Dec 2008

Timor-Leste celebrates Human Rights Day

Dili, 10 December 2008
- 10 December is globally celebrated as International Human Rights Day – a day to reflect on the human rights work in the past year, and a day to make renewed commitment to the human rights work that still needs to be completed.

This year, International Human Rights Day is of greater significance as today, 60 years ago, the Universal Declaration for Human Rights was signed in Paris, France. Of equal significance is that this day also marks the commencement of the United Nations International Year of Human Rights Learning. In Timor-Leste, there are national and local events to mark the day, commemorate the 60th anniversary of the UDHR and look forward to the coming year.

A special session of Parliament on human rights begins the day's events. This is an initiative of the Office of the President of the National Parliament of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, supported by UNMIT. This special session of Parliament ends with the inaugural Sergio Vieira de Mello Human Rights Awards, the first-ever in Timor-Leste. This is an initiative by the Office of the President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, supported by UNMIT. Awarded by the President of Timor-Leste, the objective of the Awards is to highlight, commend and encourage Timorese human rights actors who have contributed to the promotion of respect for, and protection of, civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights. The Awards will be an annual event.

A three-day teachers' congress, organised by the Ministry of Education, also begins today. Their focus is on the right to education and the challenges of the education sector. The national human rights institution in Timor-Leste, called the Provedoria for Human Rights and Justice, and the Ministry of Justice are co-hosting an afternoon human rights fete, featuring speeches, music and drama.

In the districts of Ainaro, Suai, Maliana, Baucau, Viqueque and Oecusse, civil society organisations have organised human rights day events, with the support of UNMIT. These include speeches, games, quiz competitions, music and drama.

The day closes with the inauguration, by the President of Timor-Leste, of a UDHR Collage Exhibition by Arte Moris, a Timorese art group. Co-hosted by the Delegation of the European Commission and UNMIT, the art pieces are based on eleven selected articles of the UDHR and its interpretation through the medium of art.

For more information contact Asenaca Colawai, 731 1572.


Dili, 10 Dezembru 2008 - 10 Dezembru ne'e ema selebra globalmente nu'udar Loron Internasionál Direitus Umanus nian – loron ida atu hanoin kona-ba serbisu iha área direitus umanus nian iha tinan kotuk, no loron ida atu hafoun kompromisu ba serbisu direitus umanus nian ne'ebé sei presiza atu halo.

Tinan ne'e, Loron Internasionál Direitus Umanus nian iha importánsia liután tanba iha data ne'e, tinan 60 liubá, akontese iha París, Fransa, asinatura ba Deklarasaun Universál Direitus Umanus nian (DUDU). Iha mós signifikadu boot katak loron ne'e mós reprezenta hahú ba Nasoins Unidas nia Tinan Internasionál ba Aprende Direitus Umanus. Iha Timor-Leste, iha eventu nasionál no lokál oioin atu marka loron ne'e, selebra DUDU halo tinan ba dala 60, no hein tinan oinmai ho esperansa boot.

Sesaun espesiál ida iha Parlamentu kona-ba direitus umanus sei hahú atividade loron ne'e nian. Ida-ne'e inisiativa ida husi Gabinete Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste nian, ho apoiu husi UNMIT. Sesaun espesiál Parlamentu nian ne'e sei remata ho Prémiu kona-ba Direitus Umanus Sérgio Vieira de Mello ba dala uluk iha Timor-Leste. Ne'e inisiativa ida husi Prezidénsia Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste nian, ho apoiu husi UNMIT. Prezidente Repúblika Timor-Leste nian maka atribui prémiu ne'e, ho objetivu atu temi, hahi'i no habarani ema timoroan ne'ebé serbisu kona-ba direitus umanus no kontribui atu promove respeitu no protesaun ba direitu sivíl no polítiku sira, hanesan mós direitu ekonómiku, sosiál no kulturál sira. Prémiu ne'e sei sai eventu ne'ebé akontese tinan-tinan.

Kongresu durante loron tolu ba profesór sira, ne'ebé Ministériu Edukasaun nian maka organiza, mós komesa iha loron ne'e. Sira foka liuliu ba direitu ba edukasaun no dezafiu sira iha setór edukasaun nian. Instituisaun nasionál direitus umanus nian iha Timor-Leste, ne'ebé naran Provedoria ba Direitus Umanus no Justisa, no Ministériu Justisa nian, sei organiza hamutuk festa lokraik direitus umanus nian, inklui diskursu oioin, múzika no teatru.

Iha distritu Ainaru, Suai, Maliana, Baukau, Vikeke no Oekusi, organizasaun sira husi sosiedade sivíl organiza eventu oioin ba loron direitus umanus nian, ho apoiu husi UNMIT. Eventu sira-ne'e sei inklui diskursu sira, jogu oioin, kompetisaun husu-hatán (quiz), múzika no teatru.

Loron ne'e sei taka ho inaugurasaun ne'ebé Prezidente Timor-Leste nian sei halo ba Espozisaun Kolajen kona-ba DUDU, husi Arte Moris, grupu artista timoroan. Iha espozisaun ne'e ho organizasaun husi Delegasaun Komisaun Europeia nian no UNMIT, knaar artístiku sira-ne'e bazeia ba artigu sanulu-resin-ida ne'ebé hili husi DUDU no sira-nia interpretasaun liuhosi meiu arte nian.

Atu hatene informasaun klean, favor kontaktu Asenaca Colawai, 731 1572.