Timor-Leste to host International Seminar on Reform and Development of the Security Sector

9 Dec 2008

Timor-Leste to host International Seminar on Reform and Development of the Security Sector

Dili, 09 December, 2008 - The Office of the President of the Republic, through the Coordinating Committee for the Reform and Development of the Security Sector, will host a two-day seminar starting on 11 December in the President's Palace in Lahane, Dili. This international seminar is an initiative of President José Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmâo and is supported by the United Nations.

The principle objective of this seminar is to bring together national and international participants to exchange ideas, perspectives, and experiences on the reform and development of the security sector.

During the seminar, three main topics will be discussed: the reform and development of the security sector in Timor-Leste, moderated by the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General Dr Atul Khare; the program to transform the defence and security forces, moderated by the President of the National Parliament, Dr Fernando Lasama de Aruajo; and the architecture of the security and defence systems, moderated by the Portuguese Ambassador, Sr. João Ramos Pinto.

An additional panel will convene to discuss other priority issues.

Other national and international key speakers will be present. National speakers include the National Parliament President of Committee B, Dr Duarte Nunes, the Secretary of State for Defence, Dr Julio Tomas Pinto and the Secretary of State for Security, Dr Fransisco Guterres.

International speakers come from both military and academic backgrounds. They include the Portuguese Acting Chief of Armed Forces, General Pinto, the Australian Commander Northern Command Ian Meyn, and other representatives from the United States and Brazil. There will also be regional representatives from Indonesia, Malaysia, China and New Zealand.

The seminar presents a valuable opportunity for all Timorese to share their experiences, ideas and perspectives with people from other nations. This exchange of knowledge will help strengthen the security sector in this new nation.

For more information contact Joel Maria Pereira, +670 723 0160.

Seminariu Internasional Hodi Fahe Prespektivas, Ideias,
no Estratejia Foun Atu Reforma no Dezenvolve Diak Liu-tan Setor Seguransa Iha Timor-Leste

Gabinete Presidensia Republika, liu husi Komite Koordenador Reforma no Dezenvolvimentu Setor Seguransa (CCRDSS), tuir planu iha dia 11 no 12 Dezembru semana ida ne'e, sei hala'o seminariu ida iha Salaun da Nobre, Palacio Lahane - Dili. Seminario internasional ne'e hala'o tuir inisiativa ne'ebe mai rasik husi Prezidente Republika, Dr José Ramos-Horta no Primeiro Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmâo, no hetan suporta husi Nasoes Unidas

Objetivu prinsipal husi seminariu loron 2 ne'e mak atu lori hamutuk partisipantes nasional no internasional sira, liu-liu partisipantes internasional sira ne'ebe iha esperensia hanesan ho Timor-Leste, atu tur hamutuk hodi fahe ho Timor-Leste kona-ba estratejia, ideias, prespektivas, no esperensia oi-oin hodi nune'e bele sai nudar referensia ida hodi reforma no dezenvolve diak liu-tan setor seguransa iha Timor-Leste.

Iha seminariu ne'e, sei deskuti kona-ba topiku 3 ne'ebe importante iha setor ida ne'e, hanesan; Reforma no Dezenvolvimentu Setor Seguransa Iha Timor-Leste (sei modera husi Reprezentante Sekretariu Jeral ONU mai Timor-Leste, Dr Atul Khare), Programa Transformasaun Forsa Defeza no Seguransa (sei modera husi Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Dr Fernando Lasama de Araujo), no Arquitectura Husi Sistema Seguransa no Defeza (sei modera husi Ambasador Portugal mai Timor-Leste, João Ramos Pinto). Alende ne'e sei iha mos panel importante ida hodi deskuti kona-ba kestoes prioritarias balun.

Alende partisipa husi moderador sira iha leten, sei marka prezensa mos orador nasional no internasional balun. Orador nasional hirak ne'e mak hanesan; Prezidente Komisaun B husi Parlamentu Nasional, Dr Duarte Nunes, Sekretariu Estadu Defeza, Dr Julio Tomas Pinto, no Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa, Dr Fransisco Guterres,

Orador internasional ne'ebe sei partisipa iha seminariu ida ne'e mai husi parte militar no akademiku, hanesan; Xefe Estadu Maior Exĕrsito husi Portugal, Jeneral Pinto Ramalho, no Komandante NORCOM Ian Meyn, inklui mos reprezentante husi Estadu Unidos no Brazil.

Alende ne'e, sei marka prezensa mos reprezentante husi nasaun balun iha rejiaun ne'e, hanesan Indonezia, Malazia, Xina no Nova Zelandia.

Hare-ba ninia objetivu ne'ebe importante, parte hotu-hotu iha nasaun ida ne'e, bele sente haksolok hodi partisipa iha okaziaun ida ne'e, hodi nune'e Timor oan sira bele hetan oportunidade hodi fahe sira nia esperensia, ideias, no prespektivas ho nasaun balun iha mundu, hodi nune'e bele dezenvolve diak liu-tan setor seguransa iha nasaun foun ida ne'e.

Atu hatene informasaun klean, favor kontaktu Joel Maria Pereira iha +670 723 0160.