UNDP Press Release:

3 Oct 2011

UNDP Press Release:

Equator Prize Opens Worldwide Call for Sustainable Development Award Nominations
New York, 29 September 2011 - A UNDP-led partnership that rewards communities around the world for their conservation and development solutions launched a call for nominations for the Equator Prize 2012, to be submitted online at www.equatorinitiative.org.

The Equator Initiative will award its biennial prize for local solutions in sustainable development at next year's UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Nominations are open from 146 countries through October 31, 2011. Eligibility has been expanded to include all countries receiving support from UNDP, making this a truly global award for local best practice.
"We expect some genuinely inspiring examples of community-based development solutions that work for people and the environment," said Veerle Vandeweerd, Director of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) Environment and Energy Group.
"Water and energy access, food security, and adaptation to climate change are the development challenges of our time," she said, noting that new thematic prizes in these areas will reflect the 2012 emphasis on "resilient communities for sustainable development".
Past award recipients have been grassroots organizations taking action to improve local wellbeing and livelihoods while protecting the environment through, for example, community-based forest management, small-scale fishing, wildlife protection, seed banks, sustainable energy and water access.
The Equator Prize – which has been endorsed by former heads of state Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway) and Oscar Arias (Costa Rica), philanthropist Ted Turner, a host of Nobel laureates, and celebrities like Gisele Bündchen and Edward Norton– will celebrate its 10-year anniversary next year.
All 25 recipients of next year's prize will receive US$5,000, with 10 selected for "special recognition" and a total of US $20,000 each.
Representatives of winning communities will participate at a community meeting in conjunction with the Rio+20 event where they will be celebrated on an international stage, connected with policymakers and recognized as leaders in their fields.
The Equator Initiative is a partnership that brings together the UN, governments, civil society, businesses and grassroots organizations to advance local solutions for people, the environment and resilient communities in a changing world.
Current partners of the initiative include: Conservation International; Convention on Biological Diversity; Ecoagriculture Partners; Fordham University; German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development; International Union for Conservation of Nature; The Nature Conservancy; Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Rare; Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA); UN Environment Program; UNDP; and UN Foundation.
Global (New York) Media inquiries: Please contact Joseph Corcoran at joseph.corcoran@undp.org
or +1 212 906-5916.
Timor-Leste UNDP Media inquiries: Please contact John Fenech at john.fenech@undp.org or +670 732-7211.
UNDP is the UN's global development network, helping countries design and share solutions for global and national development challenges. We operate in 177 countries and territories worldwide, connecting them to the knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. www.undp.org. Follow us on twitter and facebook.
Prémiu Ekuatoriál Loke Nomeasaun Mundiál ba Nomeasaun Prémiu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável
Novaiorke, 29 Setembru 2011 - Parseria ida-ne'ebé lidera hosi PNUD ne'ebé rekompensa ba komunidade sira iha mundu tomak tanba sira-nia konservasaun no solusaun dezenvolvimentu nian hala'o tiha lansamentu ida ba nomeasaun ba Prémiu Ekuatoriál tinan 2012, ne'ebé sei aprezenta iha on-line iha www.equatorinitiative.org.
Inisiativa Prémiu Ekuatoriál ne'e sei fó ninia prémiu tinan rua-rua nian ba solusaun lokál kona-ba dezenvolvimentu sustentável iha Konferénsia ONU nian tinan oinmai kona-ba Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável (Rio+20). Nomeasaun sira loke hosi nasaun 145 to'o iha loron 31 fulan-Outubru, tinan 2011. Elejibilidade ba prémiu ne'e haluan tiha ona hodi inklui nasaun hotu-hotu ne'ebé simu apoiu hosi PNUD, ne'ebé halo buat ne'e sai nu'udar prémiu ida mak globál duni ba prátika lokál ne'ebé di'ak liu.
"Ami espera ezemplu balun ne'ebé sinseramente inspiradora ba solusaun dezenvolvimentu nian ne'ebé bazeia iha komunidade, ne'ebé funsiona ba povu no meiu-ambiente," Veerle Vandeweerd, Diretora ba Grupu Enerjia no Meiu-ambiente Programa Nasoins Unidas nian ba Dezenvolvimentu (PNUD) hateten.
"Bee no asesu ba enerjia, seguransa ai-han, no adaptasaun ba mudansa klimátika nu'udar dezafiu dezenvolvimentu nian iha ita-nia tempu," nia hateten, hodi nota katak prémiu temátika foun sira iha área hirak-ne'e sei reflete énfaze tinan 2012 nian ba "komunidade sira ne'ebé reziliente ba dezenvolvimentu sustentável".
Premiadu-sira pasadu nian mak organizasaun nivel baze sira ne'ebé foti asaun atu hadi'a moris-di'ak populasaun lokál nian no meius-de-subsisténsia, embora fó protesaun ba meiu-ambiente liuhosi, porezemplu; jestaun florestál komunitária, peska ho eskala ki'ik, protesaun ba animál fuik, banku ba fini nian, enerjia sustentável no asesu ba bee-moos.
Prémiu Ekuatoriál – ne'ebé apoia hosi eis xefe estadu, Gro Harlem Brundtland (Noruega) no Oscar Arias (Kostarrika), filantropu, Ted Turner, laureadu Prémiu Nobel sira lubuk ida, no artista sira hanesan Gisele Bündchen no Edward Norton– sei selebra nia aniversáriu ba da-10 nian iha tinan oinmai.
Resipiente na'in-25 sira ne'e hotu ba tinan oin nia prémiu sei simu prémiu osan US$5,000, ho ema na'in-10 ne'ebé hili tiha ona ba "rekoñesimentu espesiál" ho total osan US $20,000 ba ema ida-idak.
Reprezentante komunidade manan-na'in sira sei partisipa iha enkontru komunidade nian ida hamutuk ho eventu Rio+ 20 nian, ne'ebé sira sei hetan selebrasaun iha palku internasionál ida, ne'ebé iha ligasaun ho formuladór polítika sira no rekoñesidu hanesan líder iha sira-nia área.
Inisiativa Ekuatoriál ne'e nu'udar parseria ida-ne'ebé halibur hamutuk ONU, Governu, sosiedade sivíl, negosiante sira, no organizasaun nivel baze sira, hodi avansa ho solusaun lokál ba povu, meiu-ambiente, komunidade sira ne'ebé reziliente iha mundu ida-ne'ebé iha mudansa.
Parseiru atuál ba inisiativa ne'e inklui; Konservasaun Internasionál, Konvensaun kona-ba Diversidade Biolójika, Parseiru sira Eko-agrikultura nian, Universidade Fordham; Ministériu Federál Alemaña ba Kooperasaun no Dezenvolvimentu Ekonómiku, Uniaun Internasionál ba Konservasaun Natureza, The Nature Conservancy, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru Noruega nian, Ajénsia Kooperasaun ba Dezenvolvimentu Internasionál Suesia nian (SIDA), Programa Meiu-ambiente ONU nian, PNUD, no Fundasaun ONU.
Atu hetan informasaun Mídia Globál (Novaiorke): Favór kontaktu ho Joseph Corcoran iha e-mail joseph.corcoran@undp.org ka iha +1 212 906-5916.
Atu hetan informasaun Mídia PNUD Timor-Leste: Favór kontaktu ho John Fenech iha e-mail john.fenech@undp.org ka iha +670 732-7211.

PNUD nu'udar rede-servisu ONU nian ba dezenvolvimentu globál, ne'ebé ajuda nasaun sira atu dezeña no fahe solusaun sira ba dezafiu sira dezenvolvimentu nasionál no globál nian. Ami hala'o operasaun iha nasaun 177 no territóriu sira iha mundu tomak, ne'ebé liga sira ho koñesimentu, esperiénsia no rekursu hodi fó tulun ba populasaun sira atu harii moris ida ne'ebé di'ak liután. www.undp.org. Akompaña nafatin ami iha twitter no facebook.
