UNMIT Press Release:

30 Sep 2011

UNMIT Press Release:

UN peacekeeping mission in Timor-Leste reconfirms it did not import two containers of ammunition in 2011
Dili, 29 September 2011 The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) today reconfirmed that it has not imported, ordered, or received ammunition through the seaport of Dili this year.

"UNMIT has reviewed its records thoroughly," said UNMIT Spokesperson Carlos Araujo in response to concerns expressed in the news media. "UNMIT did not import two containers of ammunition this year. In February 2011 UNMIT imported the ammunition required for its armed security personnel who are responsible for UN staff safety. In all cases UNMIT followed United Nations regulations and the mission's agreements with the Government of Timor-Leste."

The UN peacekeeping mission is present in Timor-Leste at the request of the Government and with the authorization of the United Nations Security Council. Its purpose is to advance the security and stability of an independent Timor-Leste.
The peacekeeping mission is working closely with the Government of Timor-Leste to plan its withdrawal in December 2012 following presidential and parliamentary elections in 2012. This was reflected in the Joint Transition Plan signed on 19 September by President Ramos-Horta, Prime Minister Gusmão, and UN Special Representative Haq.
"The Mission is focussed on strengthening the foundations of long-term peace," said Araujo. "This work includes support to the Government to plan and implement the upcoming elections, provide operational support to and build the capacity of the national police force, and ensure a smooth withdrawal of UNMIT in December 2012. Following the withdrawal of UNMIT, UN agencies such as UNDP and UNICEF are expected to continue working in Timor-Leste."
For more information on the mandate of the peacekeeping mission in Timor-Leste and its efforts to foster security and stability, see the UNMIT website at www.unmit.org.
Journalists are invited to send their questions and requests for information to:
Carlos Araujo, UNMIT spokesperson at: araujoc@un.org, 731-1513.
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ONU nia misaun manutensaun pás iha Timor-Leste konfirma dala ida tan katak misaun ne'e la importa kontentór rua ho kilat-musan iha 2011
Dili, 29 Setembru 2011 Misaun Integrada Nasoins Unidas nian iha Timor-Leste (UNMIT) ohin konfirma dala ida tan katak UNMIT la importa, la hameno, no la simu kilat-musan [munisaun] liuhosi portu Dili nian iha tinan ida-ne'e.
"UNMIT verifika tiha ona didi'ak nia rejistu sira," Portavós UNMIT nian Carlos Araújo hateten hodi hatán ba preokupasaun balu iha mídia. "UNMIT la importa kontentór rua ho kilat-musan iha tinan ida-ne'e. Iha Fevereiru 2011 UNMIT importa kilat-musan ne'ebé presiza ba ninia pesoál seguransa ne'ebé kaer kilat no iha responsabilidade ba seguransa staff ONU nian. Iha kazu hotu-hotu UNMIT halo tuir regulamentu Nasoins Unidas nian no mós akordu entre misaun no Governu Timor-Leste nian."
ONU nia misaun manutensaun pás agora daudaun iha Timor-Leste tanba iha pedidu husi Governu no ho autorizasaun husi Konsellu Seguransa Nasoins Unidas nian. Ninia objetivu atu hametin seguransa no estabilidade iha Timor-Leste independente.
Misaun manutensaun pás ne'e serbisu daudaun hamutuk ho Governu Timor-Leste nian hodi planeia ninia retirada iha Dezembru 2012, liutiha eleisaun ba Prezidente no Parlamentu iha 2012. Ida-ne'e reflete iha Planu Konjuntu ba Tranzisaun ne'ebé Prezidente Ramos-Horta, Primeiru Ministru Gusmão, no Reprezentante Espesiál ONU Haq asina iha 19 Setembru.
"Misaun foka daudaun atu hametin fundasaun ba dame ba tempu naruk ," Araújo dehan. "Serbisu ne'e inklui apoiu ba Governu atu planeia no hala'o eleisaun oinmai, fornese apoiu operasionál no dezenvolve kapasidade Polísia Nasionál nian, no asegura katak retirada husi UNMIT iha Dezembru 2012 la'o ho di'ak. Depoizde retirada husi UNMIT, ita espera katak ajénsia sira ONU nian hanesan UNDP no UNICEF sei kontinua serbisu iha Timor-Leste."
Atu hetan informasaun tan kona-ba mandatu misaun manutensaun pás iha Timor-Leste no ninia esforsu atu hametin seguransa no estabilidade, haree to'ok UNMIT nia website iha www.unmit.org.

Ami konvida jornalista sira atu haruka sira-nia pergunta ka pedidu informasaun ba Carlos Araújo, portavós UNMIT nian iha: araujoc@un.org 731-1513.
