UNMIT Press Release: Comoro community and police work together to solve problems

2 Aug 2011

UNMIT Press Release: Comoro community and police work together to solve problems

Dili, 2 August 2011 -
PNTL and UNPOL, together with community leaders, began a new initiative yesterday to address rock-throwing by youth in Comoro, a Dili sub-district.

Town chiefs, village chiefs, and the sub-district administrator accepted an invitation from PNTL and UNPOL community police to gather at the Comoro Police Station to talk about their common concern for youth violence and to determine joint actions they might take.

Police and community leaders recognized that a new approach is necessary because dispersing and arresting youth has not stopped the problem.

PNTL General Commander Longuinhos Monteiro said initiatives need to come from the community. He welcomed the involvement of secondary school directors and teachers.
"The best way to deal with this problem is for everyone to take responsibility," said General Commander Monteiro. "PNTL is ready to do its part."
UNPOL Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho said policing efforts can only be effective with the cooperation of the community. He emphasized the importance of the community and police working together.
"Police and citizens should work together as partners to make the community safer," said Commissioner Carrilho. "This was recognised by Timor-Leste's Government when it passed the Organic Law of the PNTL."

Comoro is a populous sub-district of Dili, the capital city of Timor-Leste. Fights between martial arts groups have caused insecurity within the community.

For more information contact:
Sandra McGuire, UNMIT Chief Public Information Officer and Spokesperson, mcguire@un.org, +670 732 6476
Gyorgy Kakuk, UNMIT, kakukg@un.org, +670 723 0749

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Komunikadu Imprensa UNMIT Nian
Komunidade Komoru no polisia serbisu hamutuk hodi rezolve problema sira
Loron-2 fulan Agostu tinan-2011, Dili – PNTL no UNPOL, hamutuk ho líder sira komunitária, hahú inisiativa foun ida horisehik hodi enfrenta hahalok tuda-fatuk husi juventude iha Komoru, Sub-Distritu Dili.
Xeke sira iha sidade, xefe suku sira, no administradór Sub-Distritu simu konvite husi PNTL no polísia komunidade UNPOL nian hodi halibur malu iha Eskuadra Polísia Komoru atu ko'alia kona-ba sira-nia preokupasaun komún kona-ba violénsia husi juventude no determina asaun sira konjunta ne'ebé sira podia foti.
Líder sira polísia no komunidade nian rekoñese katak presiza aprosimasaun foun ida tanba hakari no kaer joven sira durante ne'e la hapara problema.
Komandante-Jerál PNTL, Longuinhos Monteiro, dehan katak inisiativa sira-ne'e presiza mai husi komunidade. Nia apresia involvimentu husi diretór eskola no mestre sira.
"Dalan diak liu atu hasoru problema ida-ne'e maka ema hotu-hotu tenke toma responsabilidade", hateten Komandante-Jerál Monteiro. "PNTL disponivel hela atu hala'o ninia parte".
Komisáriu UNPOL, Luis Carrilho, hateten katak esforsu polisiamentu só bele sai efikás bainhira ho kooperasaun ho komunidade. Nia realsa importánsia serbisu hamutuk husi komunidade no polísia.
"Polísia no sidadaun sira devia serbisu hamutuk nu'udar parseiru atu halo komunidade seguru liután", hateten Komisáriu Carrilho. "Governu Timor-Leste rekoñese Ida-ne'e bainhira pasa Lei Orgánika PNTL nian".
Komoru nu'udar Sub-Distritu ne'ebé nia populasaun barak liu iha Dili, sidade kapitál Timor-Leste nian. Baku malu entre grupu arte marsiál sira durante ne'e kauza inseguransa iha komunidade nia leet.
Atuhetan informasaun klaru favór kontakta:

Hipolito da Cruz, UNMIT Portzvós Nacional, dacruzh@un.org, +670 731 1782
