UNMIT Press Release: GIS Day Event, 16-29 November 2010

15 Nov 2010

UNMIT Press Release: GIS Day Event, 16-29 November 2010

Dili, 15 November 2010 - The Geographic Information Group (GIG) in Timor-Leste announces that it will be organizing a unique two-week-long event about Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping. The event will take place from 16-29 November 2010 at Casa Europa from 8am-5pm (excluding holidays and weekends, details in next page).

Following the first occasion of this event in 2009, Ho Mapa Ita Hari Futuru Timor-Leste (Tetum, In English, With maps, we build the future of Timor-Leste) provides an opportunity for those interested to learn about geographic information and GIS/mapping activities in Timor-Leste.

This event will include both a permanent map exhibition open to the public and seminars/presentations about GIS and mapping technologies in action within Timor-Leste. Contributors to this event include the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy and Development, UNDP, UNMIT, UNFPA, UNICEF, European Union, JICA, USAID, ERDAS and ESRI.

This event will coincide with National Geographic Society's Geography Awareness Week (14-20 November) in the United States and GIS Day (17 November) – a global event to raise awareness of GIS technology and the important contributions it makes in the fields of science, technology, information, and development.

A GIS is a computer-based mapping tool that takes information from a database about location, such as streets, buildings, water features, and terrain, and turns it into visual layers. The ability to see geographic features on a map gives users a better understanding of a particular location, enabling planners, analysts, and others to make informed decisions about their communities.

For more information contact Toru Nagayama, Technical Advisor for Mapping to the Ministry of Justice (email: tr.ngym@gmail.com(link sends e-mail), mobile: +670-746-8016)

About the Geographic Information Group (GIG)

The Geographic Information Group (GIG) in Timor-Leste is a voluntary group that includes about fifty GIS experts and practitioners from the government (RDTL), United Nations, International Non-Governmental Organizations (I-NGO) and National NGOs.

The group has been active since 2003. One of the main activity of the GIG is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and sharing information related to GIS, mapping and spatial data. The GIG is currently represented by two co-chairpersons (one from UNMIT and another from the RDTL) and assisted by a secretary.

Detailed Schedule for GIS Day Event 2010

Date (November 2010) Schedule
16 (Tuesday) Open (8am to 5pm)
17 (Wednesday) Close
18 (Thursday) Open (8am to 2pm)
19 (Friday) Open (8am to 5pm)
20 (Saturday) Close
21 (Sunday) Close
22 (Monday) Open (8am to 5pm)
23 (Tuesday) Open (8am to 5pm)
24 (Wednesday) Open (8am to 5pm)
25 (Thursday) Open (8am to 5pm)
26 (Friday) Open (8am to 5pm)
27 (Saturday) Close
28 (Sunday) Close
29 (Monday) Open (8am to 5pm)

*Schedule may be subject to change, due to unexpected occasions.



Dili, 15 Novembru 2010 - Geographic Information Group (GIG) iha Timor-Leste fó anúnsiu katak sira sei organiza eventu uniku ida ho períodu semana rua kona-ba Sistema Informasaun Jeográfika (SIJ) no mapeamentu. Eventu ne'e sei hala'o husi loron-16 to'o 29 Novembru 2010 iha Casa Europa husi tuku; 8am-5pm (esklui ferias no findesemana, detalla iha pájina tuir fali).

Tuir fali okaziaun dahuluk husi eventu ne'e iha tinan 2009, Ho Mapa Ita Harii Futuru Timor-Leste fó oportunidade ba ema sira mak hakarak atu aprende kona-ba Informasaun Jeográfika nian no SIJ/atividade mapeamentu iha Timor-Leste.

Eventu ne'e sei inklui mós loke espozisaun mapa permanente ida ba públiku no semináriu/aprezentasaun kona-ba SIJ no teknolojia mapeamentu ninia knaar iha Timor-Leste. Kontribuidór ba eventu ne'e inklui Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru, Ministériu Justisa, Ministériu Ekonomia no Dezenvolvimentu, UNDP, UNMIT, UNFPA, UNICEF, Uniaun Europeia, JIKA, USAID, ERDAS no ESRI

Eventu ne'e sei monu loos iha Semana Nasionál Jeográfiku Sosiedade nia Konxiénsia Jeográfia (14-20 Novembru) iha Estadus Unidus no loron komemorasaun (17 Novembru) – eventu global ida-ne'e ho intensaun atu bele hasa'e konxiénsia teknolojia SIJ nian no halo kontribuisaun importante sira mak nia halo tiha ona iha kampu siénsia nian, teknolojia, informasaun no dezenvolvimentu.

SIJ nu'udar instrumentu mapeamentu bazeadu ba komputadór ne'ebé foti informasaun husi baze dadus ida kona-ba fatin, hanesan; estrada, edifísiu, rekursu bee nian no mós terrenu, no transforma ba kamada vizuál. Abilidade atu haree karaterístika jeográfika iha mapa hamosu entendimentu di'ak ba ema mak uza iha fatin partikulár ruma, permite planu na'in sira, analista sira, no seluseluk tan atu halo desizaun mak informa ona kona-ba sira-nia komunidade.

Atuhetan informasaun klaru favór kontakta Toru Nagayama, Asesór Tékniku Mapeamentu ba Ministériu Justisa (email: tr.ngym@gmail.com(link sends e-mail), mobile: +670-746-8016)

Kona-ba Grupu Informasaun Jeográfiku (GIJ)

Geographic Information Group (GIG) iha Timor-Leste nu'udar grupu voluntáriu ida-ne'ebé inklui kuaze peritu GIS na'in lima-nulu no profisionál sira husi governu (RDTL), Nasoins Unidas, Organizasaun Naun-Governu Internasionál (ONG-I) no ONG Nasionál sira.

Grupu ne'e funsiona tiha ona dezde tinan 2003. Atividade prinsipál ida husi GIG mak atu fornese forum ida hodi troka ideia no kompartilla informasaun sira relasionadu ba GIS, mapeamentu no dadus espasiál sira. Oras-ne'e GIJ reprezenta husi prezidente na'in-rua (ida husi UNMIT no ida seluk husi RDTL) no tulun husi sekretáriu ida.

Ajenda detalladu ba Eventu GIS 2010

Data (Novembru 2010) Ajenda
16 (Tersa) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
17 (Kuarta) Taka
18 (Kinta) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 2 lokraik)
19 (Sesta) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
20 (Sábadu) Taka
21 (Domingu) Taka
22 (Segunda) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
23 (Tersa) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
24 (Kuarta) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
25 (Kinta) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
26 (Sesta) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)
27 (Sábadu) Taka
28 (Domingu) Taka
29 (Segunda) Loke (tuku 8 dadeer to'o 5 lokraik)

*Ajenda bele muda, tuir akontesimentu sira-ne'ebé ita la espera