UNMIT Photo Release: Turkish UNPOL donate to Dili Mosque Orphanage

18 Nov 2010

UNMIT Photo Release: Turkish UNPOL donate to Dili Mosque Orphanage

Dili, 17 November 2010 -
On the occasion of Eid al-Adha UNMIT Police Commissioner Luis Carrilho joined members of UNMIT's Turkish Police Contingent as they presented gifts to children at the Dili Mosque Orphanage which houses 87 children.

Yesterday, the Muslim community of Timor-Leste began the three-day celebration of Eid al-Adha. Commemorating Abraham's sacrifice, Eid al-Adha emphasises forgiveness and tolerance, and is a time to reflect the message of peace towards which we are all committed. The Constitution of Timor-Leste provides for freedom of religion. Timor-Leste's Islamic community makes up approximately 1% of the population.



UNPOL husi Turkia fó doasaun ba Orfanatu Meskita Dili nian

Dili, 17 novembru 2010 - Iha okaziaun Eid al-Adha Komisáriu Polisia UNMIT Luis Carrilho hamutuk ho membru sira Polisia UNMIT husi Kontinjente Polisia Turkia nian bainhira sira fó prezente ba labarik sira iha Orfanatu Meskita Dili ne'ebé hamahon labarik na'in-87.

Horisehik, komunidade Musulmana Timor-Leste nian hahú sira-nia selebrasaun Eid al-Adha durante loron tolu. Komemora Abraão nia sakrifísiu, Eid al-Adha tau énfaze ba perdua no toleránsia, no nu'udar tempu atu reflete mensajen pás nian ne'ebé ita hotu kompromete. Konstituisaun Timor-Leste garante liberdade ba relijiaun. Komunidade Izlámika Timor-Leste nian konstitui kuaze 1% husi populasaun iha rai ne'e.
