Attributed to Sandra McGuire, Chief Communication and Public Information Officer of UNMIT
Dili, 19 May 2011 - Further to our statement of 18 May, let me categorically say that the document cited by Tempo Semanal on 15 May is not the view held by UNMIT.
We do not believe that the Prime Minister is an obstacle to democratic governance in Timor-Leste, nor to constitutionalism. We note that Mr. Gusmao is a democratically elected Prime Minister, who continues to govern according to democratic principles, entrenched in Timor-Leste. Those principles are the result of the sacrifices of many people, in particular Mr. Gusmao.
We regret that this document has been portrayed as a document representing the views of UNMIT. It does not. We also regret any offence the document has caused. We have enjoyed close, cordial working relations with the Government of Timor-Leste over many years. We look forward to continuing those good relations.
Atribui ba Sandra Sandra McGuire, Xefe Komunikasaun no Ofisiál Informasaun Públika UNMIT nian
Dili, 19 Maiu 2011 - Haktuir liután ba ami-nia deklarasaun loron 18, fulan-Maiu nian, permiti ha'u atu hatete kategorikamente katak dokumentu ne'ebé sita hosi Tempo Semanal iha loron 15, fulan-Maiu la'ós nu'udar pontudevista ne'ebé asumi hosi UNMIT. Ami la fiar katak Primeiru Ministru sai nu'udar obstákulu ba governasaun demokrátiku iha Timor-Leste no mós ba konstitusionalizmu. Ami nota katak Sr. Gusmão ne'e nu'udar Primeiru Ministru ne'ebé eleitu demokratikamente, ne'ebé kontinua governa tuir prinsípiu demokrátiku, mak estabelese ho firme iha Timor-Leste. Prinsípiu sira-ne'e nu'udar rezultadu sakrífisiu sira hosi ema barak, partikularmente Sr. Gusmão nian.
Ami lamenta katak dokumentu ne'e hetan tratamentu hanesan dokumentu ida-ne'ebé reprezenta pontudevista sira UNMIT nian. Ami mós lamenta kona-ba ofensa ruma ne'ebé dokumentu ne'e hamosu. Ami goza tiha ona relasaun servisu ne'ebé di'ak no kordiál ho Governu Timor-Leste iha tinan barak nia laran. Ami hein atu kontinua hala'o relasaun di'ak hirak-ne'e.
For further information, please contact,
Ba informasaun klaru liu tan favór kontatu:
Sandra McGuire
Chief Public Information Officer / UNMIT
Phone 1: +39 0831233115
Phone 2: +1 212 9630099 ext: 5115
Phone 3: + 670 3304100 ext: 5115
Mobile: +670 7326476
Email: mcguire@un.org