The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste completed its mandate on 31 December 2012. Find out more about the closure in our Fact Sheet and by visiting the Momentum website which pays tribute to the Timorese achievements and marks the departure of UN peacekeepers.
12 Oct 2009 -
Dili, 12 October 2009 - The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) confirms the death of a United Nations Police Officer from Zambia. We offer our sincere condolences to his family, colleagues and friends: in particular, the Members of the Zambian Police Contingent.
Police investigations into this matter are ongoing. Therefore, at this stage, the UNMIT will not be making further comment.
09 Oct 2009 -
Dili, 9 October 2009- The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) has seen the media report of the alleged presence of UNMIT staff at the Moon Bar in Dili, Timor-Leste during a raid conducted by the Immigration Police. This is one of a number of locations designated as "off-limits" to UN personnel.
Dili, 15 September 2009- In a public report released in Dili today, the United Nations
noted that in the past year, Timor-Leste made progress in key human rights areas, including strengthening of the judicial system and enactment of important legislation.
17 Aug 2009 -
Dili, 14 August 2009 - US$3.5 million dollars for nutrition has been allocated by the UN MDG Achievement Fund for Timor-Leste.
The 3-year funding will target pregnant and breastfeeding women and their under-five children and primary school children in Aileu, Baucau, Manatuto and Oecusee districts. The programme contributes to the national effort in
17 Aug 2009 -
Dili, 13 August 2009 - Tradition, culture of silence, domination and inequality, ignorance of rights, the lack of law, weakness of the judiciary system, as well as economic dependence are among the key factors that make women more vulnerable to sexual and gender-based violence.
27 Jul 2009 -
Manatuto, 25 July 2009 – Today the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste (SRSG) Atul Khare and Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão presided over the ceremony marking the resumption of primary responsibilities for the conduct of police operations by Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) in the District of Manatuto.
06 Jul 2009 -
Dili, 6 July, 2009 - On Wednesday, 2 July 2009 at 5pm United Nations Police (UNPOL) and the Polícia Nacional de Timor-Leste (PNTL) jointly carried out an anti-human trafficking operation at a bar in the Marconi neighborhood of Dili. Ten persons, including one woman, were arrested on the suspicion that they were part of a human trafficking ring.